New Gal Velvet

Ghostrider's Avatar Velvet

Wow, pretty hot. I was suprised to hear that word being used after months of hearing being abused.

Good luck
howdy_booty's Avatar
Two pics, glamour shots, obviously touched up beyond that. I'll get excited when they post a video
Ghostrider's Avatar
some may need a video to get excited, but with her. I am banking on the new wave!!!
Chung Tran's Avatar
Speedjet's Avatar
Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Welcome back Mr. CHUNG TRAN the man.

Right before Christmas... this whore board is going to be interesting now that Chung is back.
I want to hear some stories from when Mr. Tran was on vacation.
Chung Tran's Avatar
I want to hear some stories from when Mr. Tran was on vacation. Originally Posted by Kennylingus6977
Thanks Kenny. I wish I had some stories to share, but the vacation included a vacation from women. Hopefully that changes soon, but the current environment is challenging. Covid, the death of Spas, the absurd Felony law... I look forward to performing Kennylingus soon!

Welcome back Mr. CHUNG TRAN the man.

Right before Christmas... this whore board is going to be interesting now that Chung is back. Originally Posted by Speedjet
Thanks Speedjet, if the Board gets any more interesting due to my return, it must be understood that the hurdle is low. I skimmed a few weeks of threads this morning, and yeah, it appears that this Site was quite boring while I was away. Even my obsessed Troll, d1dragon, was dull. Of course, his Mentor Peter Bota apparently quit last Spring. d1dragon never carved out an identity beyond his role as Bota's Puppet.
gman44's Avatar
not an encounter, moved to coed
Ghostrider's Avatar
Thank you