More Than $100K Seized After K-9 Officer At Dallas Love Field Airport Sniffs Out Bag

According to the article, it's a 25 year old lady carrying all that cash. Wonder if it's one of our girls
Chung Tran's Avatar
The article is lazy in its report. It said nothing about the $10,000 limit to carry cash NOT reported on the Declaration form. I suspect the seizure was related to failure to declare. That said, the law needs a major overhaul.
mrredcat43's Avatar
Ban asset forfeiture!!!
Grace Preston's Avatar
The article is lazy in its report. It said nothing about the $10,000 limit to carry cash NOT reported on the Declaration form. I suspect the seizure was related to failure to declare. That said, the law needs a major overhaul. Originally Posted by Chung Tran

You don't have to declare cash on domestic flights. Just international. She flew from Chicago to Dallas-- despite their vast differences, that's still domestic. Domestic has no limits. You can carry 10 million in cash if you so desire.
Chung Tran's Avatar
You don't have to declare cash on domestic flights. Just international. She flew from Chicago to Dallas-- despite their vast differences, that's still domestic. Domestic has no limits. You can carry 10 million in cash if you so desire. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
Ok, yeah, my automatic reaction is to think International. It will be interesting to learn why she flew with that much cash. At the risk of deciding she is guilty upfront, there is no good, legal reason to carry that much cash. Half the people I know never carry even $10 on their person.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
As a side comment, that particular police dog is a trained narcotics dog.
That was not mentioned in the posted article.

As a secondary comment, every airport I usually bounce through has multiple dogs on permanent assignment. Narc, explosive, other. Hanging out in passenger areas and down in baggage handling.
Chung Tran's Avatar
As a side comment, that particular police dog is a trained narcotics dog.
That was not mentioned in the posted article.

As a secondary comment, every airport I usually bounce through has multiple dogs on permanent assignment. Narc, explosive, other. Hanging out in passenger areas and down in baggage handling. Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter
Yes. One would think the narcotics angle would appear somewhere in the article. Maybe the Writer was afraid to insinuate drug involvement, and thus left that out?

I remember returning to DFW, after a very long flight. My travel companion hurried past the initial Customs Officer, who asks obligatory probing questions about why you were out of the US, etc... He was met at Baggage by a Cop with a sniffing dog, that had already scouted his suitcase. My companion looked hurried and nervous to ME, and I knew right away that he wasn't going to rush off without further consequence!
howdy_booty's Avatar
I don't think it matters why. It doesn't matter if there's no good legal reason for it, it's not illegal to do it. She can just not like the idea of banks and that's enough.

And a huge amount of US currency is tainted with cocaine. It's a known issue. Currency isn't paper, it's a textile that absorbs substances.
You're correct. Anyway maybe if she's lucky after $200,000 in lawyer fees and 5 years she'll get back her $100,000 ..
txexetoo's Avatar
It’s a bad law and goes against the grain of our constitution. I’m not sure how it’s ever stood a court test. Having said that if she hadn’t lied about how much money was in the bag she would probably still have it.
That's at LEAST two days of SWAT operations! Or one big one.
Precious_b's Avatar
Brings back memories of a plane crash that they found a couple million in a suitcase.
Nobody claimed it.
Later on determined to be campaign money for Nixon.
Chung Tran's Avatar
Brings back memories of a plane crash that they found a couple million in a suitcase.
Nobody claimed it.
Later on determined to be campaign money for Nixon. Originally Posted by Precious_b
One more reason to label Nixon a Crook!

Of course, $25 would have been enough to put down McGovern
pmdelites's Avatar
from what i read recently, the law allows seizure if the law enforcement folks "believe is part of a crime or could be part of a crime in the future". not probable cause, just believe.

the seizure was on dec 2.

then on dec 17, the DMN reported that the cops "said they smelled drugs and believed she was trafficking narcotics." the dog is trained to "pick up the scent of cocaine, heroin, marijuana and methamphetamine." so, bye bye cash!

btw, if people can kill others (in churches, schools, on the street) with guns, knives, bombs, cars, etc. and nothing has changed, i seriously doubt any legislator is gonna come out and say "we need to get rid of this unconstitutional forfeiture law!!!"
it's free money for the cops/feds.