ShOnly simps schedule though OH2, Owner is a Man with a Virginia
Originally Posted by BLM69
He (CK1942) is also one of the worst abusers of hobbyist privacy in the history of the TX hobby. A lady recently allowed me to see what is posted about men inside the protected Ourhome ladies room and some posts
by ladies there included hobbyists...
1) Real world names
2) Addresses
3) Even pictures
He is a scourge on the TX hobby and has been since 1999 when he was an aspd big sh*t.
In fact, CK1942 was directly responsible for the demise of in 2009 (as he ran it on behalf of the owner during her final illness) after he allowed a protected lady to use the aspd San Antonio ladies room to out by full name and address a hobbyist whose only crime was smoking a cigar inside his own home in the presence of a lady CK1942 was fond of. For this great crime the hobbyist was outted by this sensitive lady, and though this innocent hobbyist"s provider friends protested, CK1942 declared the mans personal info would remain on aspd as an alert in that sites ladies room.
This hobbyist became so enraged that he launched a campaign against CK1942, that involved the heirs of the deceased aspd site owner-- who refused to remove his name and address from their site, leading him to hire a private detective to dig up dirt on the deceased owners stepfather which was used to eventually force the aspd owner(s) to close aspd permanently. He also informed Houston vice in 2009 about a Houston party CK1942 hosted, resulting in numerous arrests.
So, the end of was a direct result of CK1942 protecting the hurt feelings of one of his favorite ladies who was offended by cigar smoke and allowing her to publish a hobbyist FULL NAME on something the original owner would never have permitted.