Ol' crazy bitch joy reid say GOP doesn't like BRANDON...because he was Obummers VP...only from a crazy democrap.

This bitch thinks that the senile old pervert disastrous performance in the role as POTUS has nothing to do with his approval or lack there of...if you don't like the POS in the oval office YOU ARE A RACIST!!

Joy Reid: GOP Hates Biden Because He Served Black President
MSNBC’s Joy Reid claimed that Republicans loathe President Joe Biden because he was vice president to President Barack Obama, who the host inferred was not liked by conservatives because he was ...

MSNBC’s Joy Reid Suggests Republicans Hate Biden Because ...
Biden “has become for Republicans as much of a sort of figure of hatred, a hate object, as President Obama was. You know, the black president. Like, he was his vice president, maybe that’s part of it. I don’t know what it is,” Reid said. Reid also claimed Biden is a moderate, referring to the president as an “ordinary Democrat.”

Joy Reid: Republicans must only hate Biden because he was ...
Mike Lindell files lawsuit against Nancy Pelosi, and he’s far from alone - January 6, 2022; Joy Reid: Republicans must only hate Biden because he was VP to the first black president - …

Joy Reid Suggests Republicans Hate Biden Because He Was VP ...
MSNBC’s Joy Reid claimed that Republicans loathe President Joe Biden because he was vice president to President Barack Obama, who the host inferred was not liked by conservatives because he was “the Black president.”. Guests Matthew Dowd and former Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-MO) joined The ReidOut Wednesday...

MSNBC’s Joy Reid suggests GOP has ‘hatred’ for Biden ...
Ducbutter's Avatar
That chick is such an outstanding hard hitting journalist she knew exactly how I came to dislike Joe Biden without ever speaking to me. Damn she's good.

I've read in the last few days that she's likely gone when the new programming lineup comes out for MSNBC in the Spring. She's so stupid it hurts.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
joy reid is a biased idiot of the first order. she doesn't like homos. she doesn't like whites. she doesnt like republicans. she prevaricates againsts democrat enemies.
bambino's Avatar
Her show is going to be cancelled in April

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
why wait... cancel the bitch now!!!

Yssup Rider's Avatar
bambino's Avatar
Who is BRANDON? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

winn dixie's Avatar
im betting moochelle has raw this cunt for the fun of it

but which one uses they weave to clean up?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
im betting moochelle has raw this cunt for the fun of it

but which one uses they weave to clean up? Originally Posted by winn dixie
I see what you’re doing WD.

bad ass..

BRANDON the guy you were so gleeful about his 3 point poll increase to 35%.
Again you post in a thread that you can read ...that is some silly shit...JUST TO GET YOUR POST COUNT UP!!
Now go start another one of your 1 star masterpiece threads.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
This message is hidden because bb1961 is on your ignore list, but still stalking you.
HedonistForever's Avatar
why wait... cancel the bitch now!!!

lol. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

I agree. Damn, that just made 2022 a bit more "enJOYable". It might just be bragging but from the reporting going on at Fox, which maybe a little slanted ( in this case ) is that both CNN and MSNBC have had their "come to Jesus" moment and now realize what they are doing, isn't working with the public.

The general public is fed up with all this race baiting. It's effecting their work lives and the lives of their children. When they found out that they have been lied to by CNN and MSNBC ( which is what prompted the "re-evaluation" ) especially over CRT and "gender hysteria", lied to about what their elementary school age children were being taught and told by the teacher not to tell mommy and daddy what they are learning. Teaching children to lie to their parents. I think we have seen this movie before.

I'm also hopeful that this teacher strike in Chicago, will be another nail in the coffin of the teachers Unions as a whole. Teachers Unions could be the straw that broke the camels back with all the other issues going on, the education of their children, just might convince middle America that "these" Democrats, are not what they were looking for and are proving everyday what a disaster they are and will continue to be but for Saints Manchin and Sinema ( hopefully ) they can at least be slowed down and the courts look like they will keep the real crazy shit like agreeing to give Black farmers money but not White farmers, under control.

Who could actually think that would pass Constitutional muster? Oh, yeah, Joy Reid.
Yeah YR you have me on "ignore", guess you're now a psychic since you ALWAYS post right after I call you out on your COMPLETE nonsense. You insist on commenting on EVERY thread of mind...THAT YOU CAN'T READ!! You're just like ALL disingenuous leftwing phonies. YR you're not fooling anyone you are a certified phony just like your alter ego HoseHummer...a banned for life mandle!!
Yssup Rider's Avatar