unemployment Biden administration

VitaMan's Avatar
Unemployment steadily decreasing during the Biden administration. Of course, some people wouldn't call this a success. Likely they would come up with a simple chant.

LexusLover's Avatar
Are you familiar with the BLS statistical manipulations by DumBoCrats?

At the end of his 2nd term Clinton tried that shit to help Gore ... September 2000 were the same stats as October 2000 and they were also claiming how great the economy was "roaring" ...

... labor was screaming at the idiots ... for manipulating the stats and ignorning the realities. Clinton in December 2000 went off at Cheney for saying on a national interview that the first job was to deal with the failing economy. It was virtually unanimous by inauguration that in March 2000 the economic decline had begun. Average citizens knew it all along.

Today ... average citizens know the wreckage created by Bitten and his NoThing Burger Kumola with the help of the DumBoCrats who want to change the election laws so they can cheat their way to remaining in control.

Anyone who claims the "economy" is improving under Bitten/Kumola has two choices: they are either extremely dumb or extremely dishonest. They can pick their poison. They voted for a senile idiot who never made a decent political decision in 50 years of sucking off the government tit ... who tagged an absolutely pathetic example of humanity to serve as his backup when he dies*.

*The DumBoCrats won't take him out until he can't breathe. And then they may let the country know. I'm not sure about that either.

"Unemployment" begins to decrease when people quit looking for jobs. Are you familar with the term "mandate"? "Inflation"?
biden, with the lowest labor participation rate since carter was president

when people are no longer counted as unemployed, the unemployment rate goes down
LexusLover's Avatar
biden, with the lowest labor participation rate since carter was president

when people are no longer counted as COLOR="Blue"]unemployed[/COLOR], the unemployment rate goes down Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
The "correct" word is UNEMPLOYABLE.

The Obaminable/Bitten administration began the BLS practice of claiming that one person's 2nd job to make up for the hours lost when employers began to reduce working hours to 30 or less to avoid having to cover medical care costs (remember "Obamacare" coverage that was supposed to be "cheap"?) as TWO EMPLOYED PERSONS statistically.

To repeat as a math question/statement:

A person's hours were cut from 40+ to 30 as statistically ONE EMPLOYED PERSON so the person was required to find a SECOND JOB to pay for living expenses AND HEALTH INSURANCE! then the SECOND JOB was counted statistically by the BLS as TWO PERSONS HIRED!

That increased the "employment rate"!

Did I mention Bitten learned it from Obaminable?

The NONvacinnated and those who wish not to have their medical records spread around the internet are considered today as "UNEMPLOYABLE" .... which explains cancelled flights, transportation deficiencies, and reduced medical services and educational activities. Not to mention those parents who must leave a job to take care of their children during normal school attendance hours.

Those who brag about their vote for Bitten/Kumola by misrepresenting the existing FACTS AKA LYING ... actually believe that the rest of this country are less intelligent than they "feel" they are, but in fact the rest of the country is toning them out, because they have become part of the propoganda machine for the SocialisticCommunist agenda attempting to be crammed down their throats.

The perpetrators of the SocialisticCommunist agenda are getting frightened that they will be persecuted and prosecuted as the REAL INSURRECTIONISTS using the same standards by which they judge others of January 6th! Lying & name-calling is not working.
VitaMan's Avatar
The unemployment rate steadily declining under the Biden administration. A fact.
Fact...another "successful" DOUBLE thread of your.
So "successful" you had to DOUBLE post it!!
VitaMan's Avatar
Anything to contribute ?