Question from an old guy

I am at that part of existence where things don't work as well as they used to. Even a blue or yellow pill is not a guarantee anymore. In order to have a successful session, the girl needs to be really into it, or make me think she is to make Mr. Happy stay at attention. Lets just say some ladies in this profession can't rise to this level of service, as a lot of you know. I don't want to give it up yet.
I hear a lot of advertisements about "wave therapy", or something else along those lines, all supposed to improve blood flow.
Does anyone have any personal knowledge of these therapies, or know someone who does. My cynical nature leads me to think they're probably a rip off.
Thanks for reading:
Smerc's Avatar
  • Smerc
  • 01-21-2022, 11:45 AM
Try taking the blue pill with something like L citrulline or something along those lines. Only thing I know that truly works for most is pge-1 injections. You just have to get over the jabbing your dick part.

Not sure of a wave therapy. Here's what it states though.
During the procedure, your urologist will move a wand-like device around different areas of your penis. Urologists at U of U Health use ** devices, which emit gentle pulses that trigger increased blood flow. The entire treatment lasts approximately 15 minutes.
Most people who get shockwave therapy for ED will often see benefits within one to three months. The initial results (within the first several weeks) can be dramatic. There is still not enough long-term research and data to say how long the treatment might last, whether the effects of the treatment could wear off, or whether you will need additional treatment at a later time.
Since shockwave therapy is a fairly new ED treatment that is not covered by insurance plans, your urologist may recommend other ED treatment options first. A shockwave therapy regimen typically includes six separate treatments, but treatment protocols could change as more research becomes available. The out-of-pocket cost for each treatment is between $400 and $500. Your urologist will discuss these costs and other options with you before deciding the best course for treatment.

Sounds good if it works. I feel for those that have to resort to stuff like this or injections. Seems like a lot of bullshit to go through just to function, not too mention all this stuff gets costly.
This has worked with some of my boytoys..& clients ..& It's not for all but it works.
Go into fantasy foreplay & get super hyped up about the Scenario & your role & some time during the fantasy during oral be very gentle and with a very slim buttplug or latex free gloves take my pointy finger lubed up & perform a curl towards me inside the buttocks like in the starfish & just gentle & not to far in & curl in like as if your calling some one with your pointy finger?
Curls up right in the area that make them POP hard & long during bbj.
It never fails..
& also pardon me ...if TMI so sorry just noticed this might be addressed only to other MEN experiencing that ..just trying to help & you with little prostate help
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 01-22-2022, 06:56 PM
Once you find someone you're really attractive to, it shouldn't be hard to get going, attraction isn't always about looks

For me, A positive attitude wins, love the submissive types, hygiene is a must, dislike bitchy women, smelly women, rushing women, lier's ,don't like no fake orgasms or fake moaning. Those are boner killers
Bigaustex's Avatar
L Citrulline does help, I have to take about 5 hours before fun time, along with blue pill 1 hr prior.
Thanks for the replies.
  • Typo
  • 01-24-2022, 04:22 PM
There are therapies that use stem cells and/or laser treatment to revive blood vessels that aren't working so well. I know of several people who have had success with that type of procedure and no longer need the pills. Might work for you too.
RetiredSubmariner's Avatar
I have had prostate cancer, the surgery to remove my prostate also removed the nerve bundle and apparently the component that viagra would work on.

Instead my doctor prescribes 'trimix'. It is a mixture of alprostadil, papaverine and phentolamine. And it works GREAT!