Donald Trump at 'Substantial Risk of Prosecution' in Georgia

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Someone's gonna get this asshole once and for all.

It would be poetic justice for it to be Georgia.

He did what he did and said what he said. The whole fucking world has seen and heard it.

Naturally, I expect the Trumpites on this board to poo poo it, make comments about Jagoff Jeffrey Toobin and call the OP names.

But this is ALL happening in the very courtrooms Trump used to try and overturn the will of the people.

Tough shit.

Donald Trump at 'Substantial Risk of Prosecution' in Georgia

The request from Georgia prosecutors for a special grand jury to assist in the election fraud investigation against Donald Trump shows the former president is under "substantial risk" of prosecution, according to a co-author of a report detailing his alleged crimes.

Norm Eisen, senior fellow of the Brookings Government think tank, was reacting to the news Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis requested a special grand jury in her investigation of 2020 election interference.

Willis has been looking into a recorded conversation between Trump and Brad Raffensperger, Georgia's secretary of state, in which the former president asked for him to "find 11,780 votes" in order to help him win the election.

Eisen, who also served as special counsel to the House Judiciary Committee during the first Trump impeachment, said the move seems to confirm a Brookings Governance report released last September claiming Trump committed "multiple crimes" in his effort to overturn the 2020 Georgia elections results.

"Fani Willis wants a special grand jury for her investigation. What does this mean for Trump? It confirms what we wrote in our report: he's at substantial risk of prosecution in GA," Eisen tweeted.

The 114-page report concluded that Trump's post-election conduct in Georgia "leaves him at substantial risk of possible state charges predicated on multiple crimes," such as criminal solicitation to commit election fraud; intentional interference with performance of election duties; and conspiracy to commit election fraud.

The report was compiled based on publicly available reporting and evidence, including the phone call between Trump and Raffensperger.

The report also lists other examples of Trump's actions after Joe Biden was declared the winner of the 2020 Election, including:
  • On December 5, urging Governor Kemp to help change the outcome through several actions and attacked Kemp that same day at a rally for his failure to act
  • Urged Georgia's Republican Attorney General Chris Carr not to oppose a lawsuit filed December 7 by the State of Texas in the U.S. Supreme Court, seeking to change the electoral outcome in certain states
  • On December 23, urged the chief investigator in Raffensperger's office, Frances Watson, to find dishonesty in connection with electoral complaints her office was then investigating
  • Engaged in various communications with officials of the U.S. Department of Justice in an unsuccessful effort to induce the Department to intervene to influence a change in the result as certified in Georgia

Trump lawyers met in person with Georgia prosecutor’s office
Willis made the request to the chief judge of Fulton County's Superior Court for special purpose grand jury a while after claiming a "significant number of witnesses and prospective witnesses have refused to cooperate with the investigation absent a subpoena requiring their testimony."

Willis named Raffensperger as one of those refusing to cooperate without a subpoena.

A special special purpose grand jury differs from a normal grand jury as it will have no time limit on whether to issue an indictment, can focus on just one issue and also subpoena witnesses to testify.

Former Gwinnett County district attorney Danny Porter said the Georgia election fraud investigation "would be an ideal case" for a special grand jury due to its complexities.

"It's usually because it's a very labor-intensive investigation that's going to take a while to do," he told the Associated Press.

Speaking to CNN's Anderson Cooper, former federal prosecutor Jeffrey Toobin said Trump's call with Raffensperger was "an election robbery caught on tape."

Toobin added: "That is why so many of the people around the then president at that time were worried about his mental state.

"I remember at the time talking to advisors who were saying 'he's lost it' and so on. He was trying to do everything under the sun to hang on to power and this episode that was caught on tape may be his undoing."

In a statement, Trump described the call with the secretary of State of Georgia as "perfect" and "perhaps even more so" than his call with the Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy, which he was impeached over.

"What this Civil Special Grand Jury should be looking into is not my perfect phone call, but the large scale voter fraud that took place in Georgia," Trump said. "Then they would be doing a great job for the people. No more political witch hunts!"

Trump has been contacted for further comment.
  • Tiny
  • 01-21-2022, 12:42 PM
This has some upside IMHO. While I don't think he should be jailed for trying to steal the election, it would be nice if Trump were marginalized by this. It would improve Republicans chances in the 2022 and 2024 elections.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
This has some upside IMHO. While I don't think he should be jailed for trying to steal the election, it would be nice if Trump were marginalized by this. It would improve Republicans chances in the 2022 and 2024 elections. Originally Posted by Tiny

The Republicans need to shed that snake's skin if they're going to return to power.

Trump will never be elected again. Question is, how much damage will he inflict on the GOP in the meanwhile?
HedonistForever's Avatar
This has become comical to say the least. Does this apply to Stacy Abrams who to this day insists the Governor's election was "stolen" from her? What? It's OK for Democrats to complain about stolen elections but not Republicans? Oh.

And now, Joe Biden is preparing to "Save the Steal", insisting that something must be done to stop the 2022 election from being stolen by Republicans after claiming that the 2020 election was the fairest election on record because Joe won. I wonder what they would have said if Joe had lost.

It's all just to funny for words but hey, I love a good court battle and I'm looking forward to hearing the particulars of the case.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Don't hear a lot of our fellow posters laughing...

on both sides. on both sides.

This is like a late night rerun that no one watched the first time!!I see your article quotes zoom jackoff...screwbin
The guy that is obsessed with conspiracies...starts nothing but top shelf tabloid TRASH
This shit has ALREADY been debunked!!
HoseHummer's next thread...Abrams really is governor of Georgia.
... Ye Christ! ... I just spilled-over me beer from LAUGHING!

THAT is some idiot's opinion while he's playin' with
Anderson Cooper... Another telly FAILURE!

I'd LOVE to see it. Along-with ALL
the cases of voter fraud over Georgia-way.

Thanks for posting this, mate... You made me day!

#### Salty
Yssup Rider's Avatar
... Hmmmm... Seeing as Sleepy Joe's poll numbers
keep getting WORSE with each passing day - Reckon YOU
must feel that the liberals who dislike Biden now
must ALSO hate America.

How Sad.

#### Salty
bambino's Avatar
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Not at all.

Frankly, it was the Bush bullshit machine that forced everybody into an "them or us" mindset.

Made it easy for the weak minded to participate. Simply demonizing the opponent was way too easy. Trump brought it to a head and then excised it gooily all over this country, but if you look back at the entire Trump movement - beginning with the Scheissfuhrer himself - it's all about trashing the other guy. Never convincing him to think another way.

I think the verbal ejaculations we see all over this forum bear proof to that theory.

Shakespeare was pretty good at appealing to the cheap seats. Of course, you're not gonna find a Shakespeare in this board.

Thank you for your service to Australia.


bambino's Avatar
Donald J. Trump

So let me get this straight, I am being investigated in Georgia for asking an Attorney General with many lawyers and others knowingly on the phone to look for corruption, which definitely took place in the Georgia Presidential election—but the people who committed the crime are in no way, shape, or form under investigation and are instead being protected? The people looking for the crime are being hounded and the people who committed the crime are being protected. This is not the American way.

With the financial stress we are suffering in America TODAY YR has nothing but the SOS fasanation with Trump who has been out of office for over a year.
It sucks to be a BRANDON simp!!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Donald J. Trump

So let me get this straight, I am being investigated in Georgia for asking an Attorney General with many lawyers and others knowingly on the phone to look for corruption, which definitely took place in the Georgia Presidential election—but the people who committed the crime are in no way, shape, or form under investigation and are instead being protected? The people looking for the crime are being hounded and the people who committed the crime are being protected. This is not the American way.

@ChristianPatriotNews Originally Posted by bambino
... Hmmmmm.... President Trump has a good point.

Solution: Just release the phone call. Let the American people
see and hear what EVERYBODY discussed on that day
concerning the Georgia votes.

WHY haven't they done that?

... And why they're at it - why don't they release any
and ALL communication between President Trump and Pelosi
concerning security for 6th January.

Why haven't they done that?

... But anyhow, thank YOU there, Yssup.
For your Dis-Service to America.

#### Salty