“If it gets out… the government is betraying the American people.”

berryberry's Avatar
Ho hum, just more secret flights dropping off fucking illegals into towns throughout the US under cloak of darkness

Gov’t contractor talking about the secret midnight flights from southern border into Westchester (NY) Airport:

“If it gets out… the government is betraying the American people.”



Secure the border.
Uphold rule of law.
berryberry's Avatar
More on the story here. Government contractors admit to flying illegal immigrants to smaller airports to keep the flights on the "down low" and hidden from the public.

Roll the tape:

berryberry's Avatar
Betraying the American people. Leaked video reveals Joe Biden’s ‘hush hush’ migrant invasion

While Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi go all out to protect Ukraine’s national sovereignty, at the same time they are orchestrating a clandestine invasion of America across the southern border.

Two million illegal immigrants from dozens of countries crossed over from Mexico last year, and the Biden administration is facilitating the cartels’ people-smuggling operation — at taxpayer expense.

Under cover of darkness, every night the federal government is transporting illegal migrants as fast as it can away from the border on secret charter flights into unsuspecting communities around the country. Officials have lied and obstructed the few journalists who have tried to reveal the truth.

This is nothing short of a betrayal of the American people.

And that’s not just me saying it — those are exactly the words of one federal government contractor employed to transport migrants from the southern border to the airport in White Plains.

“The government is betraying the American people,” the contractor told a Westchester County police officer in a conversation that was recorded on the cop’s bodycam on the tarmac of the county airport on Aug. 13, 2021. The men were standing beside a Boeing 737 flown in from Fort Bliss, Texas, by iAero Airways under charter by the federal government.

The 51-minute footage was obtained under a Freedom of Information Act request by former Westchester County Executive Rob Astorino, a Republican candidate for governor in 2022.

Throughout the footage, police Sgt. Michael Hamborsky expresses frustration that local police have been given no information about the flights arriving after curfew at the airport, in breach of security protocols

“You’re on a secure facility here; we really don’t know anything and we’re in charge of security,” he tells one of the federal contractors.

“This is anti all our security stuff.”

The iAero flight that so puzzled Hamborsky that night was just one of the almost nightly charter flights that began shuttling migrants into the suburban Westchester airport after curfew from places like McAllen, El Paso and Houston, Texas, last year beginning at least as far back as Aug. 8. The flights stopped only after The Post revealed their existence in late October.

The bodycam footage shows Hamborsky courteously but persistently questioning a dozen federal contractors who are bustling around the tarmac overseeing migrants disembarking and boarding American Dream charter buses waiting on the tarmac between about 6:15 and 7 a.m.

Hamborsky ascertains that the plane arrived at 11:48 p.m. the previous night with 142 migrants on board.

Also on board were 12 “chaperones” — employees of MVM Inc., a controversial private security firm that was a major contractor for the CIA and the NSA in Iraq, and which last year signed a $136 million contract with the federal government to transport illegal migrants and unaccompanied children around the country.

The bodycam begins in the pre-dawn darkness at 6:09 a.m. when Hamborsky parks his squad car on the airfield next to the hangar of Ross Aviation, whose employees are assisting with refueling the plane.

Hamborsky asks to see the ID of the MVM contractors.

“I can give you my state ID,” replies one man, “but work IDs we’re not allowed to.”

Hamborsky tells the contractors: “I’m just trying to figure out what’s what, who’s who and how I’m supposed to keep this secure.”

The contractors start giving him the lanyards from around their necks.

One says: “We’re not allowed to have our picture taken when we get on base.”

“Un-f–king-believable,” Hamborsky replies. “And who’s that by? DHS [Department of Homeland Security]?”

“Yes, and the United States Army,” is the reply. “You’re on a federal installation but DHS wants everything on the down-low.”

Hamborsky asks another contractor why they come to a small airport like Westchester.

“You don’t want to be in somewhere the spotlight is,” is the reply. “You want to try and be as down-low as possible. A lot of this is just down-low stuff that we don’t tell people because what we don’t want to do is attract attention. We don’t want the media. Like we don’t even know where we’re going when they tell us.”

Another contractor tells Hamborsky: “Listen, my thing is I like to comply but technically we’re not supposed to show IDs or anything. Like I said, everything is supposed to be hush-hush.

Hamborsky replies, with good-natured but mounting exasperation: “And if you don’t, I could just not let you out …

“I don’t care if it’s military or not … we gotta know who people are. The way TSA [the federal Transportation Security Administration] works is we’re supposed to have a certain designated number [of passengers] for each chaperone. Well, there’s 60 kids out here and there’s two guys.

“Two [migrants] grab their bags out here and next thing you know we could be playing tag all night.

“I have to take my shoes off when I get on a plane. These guys are grabbing their bags and getting on buses.”

One of the bus drivers waiting for his migrant passengers to board tells Hamborsky he has no idea of his destination.

“They didn’t tell you where it’s going?” asks the cop.

The driver replies: “They never do.”

Hamborsky learns from one of the MVM contractors that Delaware and Virginia are two destinations. Later he is told two more buses are heading for Madison, NJ, with one continuing to Maryland.

“You’re trying to figure out what this is?” asks one of the bus drivers. “Good luck with that.”

Hamborsky replies: “You’re on a secure facility here and we don’t really know anything and we’re in charge of security. Hence why we’re having a problem here.”

The driver sympathizes: “Yeah … I used to pick up basketball teams that have more security.”

“One hundred percent,” agrees Hamborsky. “We still don’t know really what’s happening, how they’re getting here.”

Meanwhile, in the background, migrants can be seen picking up identical bags laid out on the tarmac and heading toward buses. Most look to be in their middle to late teens, although there are a few older adult males. They can be heard speaking Spanish.

The drivers say usually the buses are waiting when the migrant flights arrive. But this night, “someone dropped the ball.”

One says his boss rang him “in a panic” at 12:24 a.m., saying “we need four buses right away.”

“We’re a family-owned business,” explains one driver. “We’re subcontractors of a government contractor … It’s one of those things you can’t turn down because once you sign the contract, you’re a slave to the grind.”

Later in the bodycam recording, a contractor tells Hamborsky: “I get the whole secrecy and all that s–t but this is even above my f–king pay grade … the f- -k, you know what I mean?”

Hamborsky replies: “And why? You know why?”

The contractor replies: “You know why, look who’s in office. That’s why, come on.”

Hamborsky says: “But what’s the big secret?”

Contractor: “You know why. Because if this gets out, the government is betraying the American people.”

He knows. Everyone knows that Americans don’t want their country to be invaded by millions of illegal migrants. Hence the secrecy and lies from the Biden administration.

They have to sneak in as many people as they can NOW.
Because the border will be CLOSED next year.

### Salty
DeSantis joking threatened to pay for a bus and lodging for illegals in Florida to send them to Biden’s home town in Delaware. That would be hilarious.
Yeah I saw that clip, that was staged!
One of the stupidest attempt, o no the stupidest was the fraudulent electors this is a close second.
Rediculous, you right winging type folks will swollow anything!
I thought it was a joke, then I figured out that I was supposed to believe it.
You sheeple are easy!
berryberry's Avatar
Yeah I saw that clip, that was staged! Originally Posted by Dogface78
LOL staged. Typical nonsensical comment by someone who gets their news directly from the DNC and their state media allies
eyecu2's Avatar
LOL staged. Typical nonsensical comment by someone who gets their news directly from the DNC and their state media allies Originally Posted by berryberry
It does ring as a bit suspicious as the situation has the hallmarks of the right-wing conspiracy theories. Nothing to be tied back about the ppl on the plane, the guys who are chaparons are not able to be verified, as they are supposedly under the guise of the military AKA the army. Which in itself is illegal for military operations to happen domestically without an act of congress, and then buses showing up with no discussion of where they're going. All these things have no answers but are highly incendiary in nature. I'm not saying I know that this is fake or not, but when there are so many hallmarks of a conspiracy, it does smell suspicious as being fabricated. I guess time will tell if this is real or not. I cannot imagine the story just vanishing if it wasn't real. Sort of like Hunter's laptop, haven't heard shit about that lately.
eyecu2's Avatar
They have to sneak in as many people as they can NOW.
Because the border will be CLOSED next year.

### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again

SALTY- YOU must not know how things like vetos work even if there is a majority shift happens. It won't change till a change in the POTUS.
berryberry's Avatar
It does ring as a bit suspicious as the situation has the hallmarks of the right-wing conspiracy theories. Nothing to be tied back about the ppl on the plane, the guys who are chaparons are not able to be verified, as they are supposedly under the guise of the military AKA the army. Which in itself is illegal for military operations to happen domestically without an act of congress, and then buses showing up with no discussion of where they're going. All these things have no answers but are highly incendiary in nature. I'm not saying I know that this is fake or not, but when there are so many hallmarks of a conspiracy, it does smell suspicious as being fabricated. I guess time will tell if this is real or not. I cannot imagine the story just vanishing if it wasn't real. Sort of like Hunter's laptop, haven't heard shit about that lately. Originally Posted by eyecu2
You Libs are unreal.

There is fucking video of all of this. Was that all staged?

It happened in central PA a month ago - read this thread


Was that also staged?

It has happened and been reported in other states across the USA. Alas the DNC and their partners in the mainstream media work to cover it up

Just fucking admit it - Senile Biden is shipping these illegals into cities across the USA under cover of darkness and massive secrecy because his admin knows if the word gets out to people how THE GOVERNMENT IS BETRAYING AMERICAN CITIZENS it won't just be a shellacking next November when the Libtards lose massively, it would be losses of epic proportions never seen in America before

US Citizens do not like to be betrayed like this by their government - yet Senile Biden is doing it daily
t-bird57's Avatar
Who cares if it was staged, not that it was, the border crisis is not! The T-D-S sheeples believed all the staged BS about Trump but when it's against their narrative, well...
LOL staged. Typical nonsensical comment by someone who gets their news directly from the DNC and their state media allies Originally Posted by berryberry
I'm am certainly not going to get my news from you tucker!

Yes you've been demoted for your comments about slow Joe's mental state!
How far you've fallen, from Goebbles to Carlson!
I hope you landed soft!

And no, nobody told me it was staged, the language used in the clip did!

See if you can pick it out!

Not to mention agovernment operater would never in a million years have that conversation with anybody conserning what was going on, on that flightline if it were to be kept secret!
They would have been chosen for discretion, and they would know that there asses would be in a bind conversing with unauthorized personnel.

Let's all go down to the flight line and have a conversation concerning those ghost flights that are supposed to be so secret, it will reinforce the conspiracy we started a month ago!
Just when thay all thought this ghost flight bullshit was over, bang its back with proof!

That will reinforce to those right wing morons that we are doing investigative journalism!

Fucking Please!


If that were so important to keep this secret, unauthorized personnel including that asshole that claimed it was his bodycam wither LEO or civilian would not be anywhere near that flight line! Especially with something that would be of this magnatude!
Security would have been federal!

And if someone did try to converse with those involved in the operation, that would be shutdown right away!

How typical is this right wing black flag bullshit!
berryberry's Avatar
Who cares if it was staged, not that it was, the border crisis is not! The T-D-S sheeples believed all the staged BS about Trump but when it's against their narrative, well... Originally Posted by t-bird57
Agreed - nothing was staged, the libs just can't accept reality. And the border crisis is very real

But that doesn't work with the libs narrative so they post crazy shit like claims this was all staged. No wonder why most Americans laugh now at the libs
winn dixie's Avatar
Thanks Berry for spreading the truth!

I hunt down on the Texas border. Have for many years.
The illegals have always been a problem. But this year was the worst weve ever seen it! We cant leave anything behind cause it gets stolen. We started leaving the cabin door unlocked cause we were tired of replacing windows and doors.
Weve had several illegals get aggressive and threaten us. Nothing we can do! Its literally no place to be unarmed!

True talk coming from the Texas border!
Agreed - nothing was staged, Originally Posted by berryberry
And you know this how?
Were you on the flightline?

I had clearances, I know what secret entails. And I know how the government would treat a situation that it doesn't want out!
And for something so secret there are a lot of people that wouldn't be able to get a clearance that are in on the secret.
Who's that?

Planes full of illegals!
Why keep it secret when it's going to get out anyways!
Because it's not secret, it is a non event, it's bullshit!

More right wing conspiracy garbage!

And let me ask you since it came up. What would you like Biden to do about the border, those people seem pretty determined to get in. And they were doing it with the orange douchbag in office too!
Would it make you feel better if Biden went down there and made a speach in front of douchbags piece of wall?

Perhaps you should take up this cause with the Mexican government!

Yeah I know they don't care either!

Oh well I guess we can only hope that they don't move in next to you!