Canada USA truck driver vaccine mandates

VitaMan's Avatar
New Truck Driver Vaccination Requirements In Canada and USA

Many highway transportation carriers are looking for clarification on the Canadian and USA Government’s mandates to show proof of vaccination at the port of entry.

Below is a summary of the requirements.

Canada - Jan 15

The Government of Canada confirmed that all truck drivers entering Canada will be required to show proof of vaccination through the ArriveCan app starting on Saturday, January 15th, 2022.

Canadian drivers without proof of vaccine will be required to quarantine for 14 days. Non-Canadian drivers will be turned away. The Canadian Trucking Alliance estimates that 10% of the driver pool will be affected by this mandate.

USA - Jan 22

All non-resident travelers into the US, including truck drivers, are to be fully vaccinated by Saturday, January 22nd, 2022 in order to enter.

For more information on this story, please visit the Associated Press.
For more REAL information, see Tim Pool IRL and SavSays on Youtube. They'll tell you about the massive protest that V man is not talking about. They will also tell you how American truckers are getting involved. Ever see a truck convoy 15 miles long?
VitaMan's Avatar
Are you attacking the Canadian government now too ?

You've gone international with your attacks on governments. Who's next ? Singapore ? Myanmar ? China ?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Are you attacking the Canadian government now too ?

You've gone international with your attacks on governments. Who's next ? Singapore ? Myanmar ? China ? Originally Posted by VitaMan

you forgot Bora Bora

offshoredrilling's Avatar
Are you attacking the Canadian government now too ? Originally Posted by VitaMan
NO, the Canadian government is attacking Canada
winn dixie's Avatar
NO, the Canadian government is attacking Canada Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
bambino's Avatar
Eh'? Originally Posted by winn dixie
Yep, just like here.
VitaMan's Avatar
You can't have a better neighbor than a Canadian.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
You can't have a better neighbor than a Canadian. Originally Posted by VitaMan
why thank you Sir, but but but I live in NYS now Eh
rats, I may have ta move more south ta re-find freedom eh
but not near any Cajuns
Weren't we invaded by Canada in the War of 1812? Yes, we were. Great neighbor you got there ehh. That convoy is reported to be 45 miles long now and has US truckers joining in. 45 miles...what is that in klicks? 72 and half kilometers.
VitaMan's Avatar
C eh N eh D eh
Are you attacking the Canadian government now too ?

You've gone international with your attacks on governments. Who's next ? Singapore ? Myanmar ? China ? Originally Posted by VitaMan

the person who can't catch a fish properly create chaos to rob

always been known, the thief create chaos to rob the money

Game of Throne



setup a trap $, then loose you bait/$.
TechPapi's Avatar
the person who can't catch a fish properly create chaos to rob

always been known, the thief create chaos to rob the money

Game of Throne



setup a trap $, then loose you bait/$. Originally Posted by lolhahaha

Yep. A very well stated, coherent argument you make there. Kudos on your succinct and thoroughly fleshed out thoughts. Tells us more.
winn dixie's Avatar
C eh N eh D eh Originally Posted by VitaMan
hoehummer would be proud of your post!

I will like it for him!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Take off, eh!