Why is it so hard to find a sure thing??

I visit massage places at least once a week, so I’m dropping a decent amount of money each month for an hour of what I hope to be a decent massage and a little fun. Instead, what I get is aggravation and a woman begging for more money. I get it, the women who are giving the massages are getting a very small percentage of what I’m paying in total, but there’s only so much to give. You would think that it would be easier to find a girl who wants to have a nice evening with someone and be reimbursed for her time, who doesn’t charge $400. I’m a sure thing, I’m paying out at least $100 every five or six days to spend time with someone that’s usually unhappy with what I'm giving her, who barely understands anything I’m saying and who isn’t very nice to be around. I’ve been to 2 places in the past 2 weeks that after paying the house fee I left within 15 minutes of the start of the massage because the girl started in on how much I was going to tip her. I am not going to let these women dictate how much I tip. They’re getting very bold as time goes on, and I’m tired of it. When they start telling me that they want $50 $60 to start, I’m cutting my losses and I leave. They get nothing, of course I lose $60, but at least I don’t lose more than that. Sorry for the rant, just getting very frustrated. I would just think it would be easier to find a girl who wants a sure thing as much as I do….

…accepting applications
t-bird57's Avatar
+1. I hear your frustration. The attitude these days is not to nurture a recurring client/customer relationship, it's get as much as you can now for very little service and move on. Evidently there must be a boat load of clients out there that never ends.
Sounds like being married
I went to tang recently for the first time and thought it was great. They were very pleasant and polite.
chizzy's Avatar
go see lucy at mu's spa outside of greensburg near latrobe on 30

good massage, very pleasant attitude, pretty, happy to assist and speaks good english.........never haggles
I'm at the point where I booked a trip to Miami for next month. I have all the money in the world but it only gets you so far here in Pittsburgh. The constant ghosting, the unreliability it's insane. It's not the guys fault either. The guy has the money and wants to work. It's the girl who can't be coherent enough to stick to a scheduled time and show up without being hungover or not looking like the pictures.

I've been to Sky 3 times in the past 2 weeks, Tang once, and Thai once. The service is great but I want something different than Asians every once in awhie. I'm sick of the upsell tipping also but here is what I do.

I make a production out of it. I get up and say I want half of my money back. They don't want the other customers to hear so they either make it better or I ask for mama and tell her about the upselling. I let her know flat out I'l leave a bad review. I've gotten my money back twice. Once at Shang and once at Moonlight. Haven't gone to either since and wouldn't you know they are all older women haggling. No new talent. Wonder why.
your not going to find consistency at bargain prices. For anything, I dont care what it is. I get tired of hearing people bitch about it to be honest. If you want a good steak, you know your going to pay for it. You can go to Mortons any given night and get one of the best steaks around but you are going to pay more than Ponderosa. Its the way everything works.
I do the same thing. I was going to xin sui every 5 or 6 days, Lucy always tried to pair me with someone good and NICE. This time, she put me in a room with this chick that would not stop talking about money. After listening to her talk for 15 minutes I got up, put my clothes back on and left. On the way out Lucy asked what was wrong, I told her and the next day she was gone... God only knows where the one's who get in trouble go. A similar thing happened on the southside to the left when you come off the Birmingham Bridge. As much as I hate to leave early, after paying, I'm done. I cut my losses and make a scene, hoping someone else hears the conversation. Again, I don't believe the owners of these spas want the girls making more than they are...

Sjomonty. I got news for you, the nicest, most accommodating women I have found in this business did not hold out their hands insisting on more money, more money. You're a sucker if you think you have to give ridiculously high tips to these women to enjoy yourself. I went to the same woman for months, every week and never tipped more than $40 and she was always grateful.

You don't have to break the bank to have a good time and why should you?

Look at places like Florida and Niagara Falls. You can get great service for $150 tops and not deal with haggling. Then we see certain providers come on here and bitch about Pittsburgh guys being cheap.

Bullshit. There is a difference between being cheap and being smart. If I can get the same service for $100 as I could for $200 what do you think I am going to do??

It's the people who are willing to pay the inflated shit that are ruining the hobby. And not just for the guys either. Let me explain more:

Say you want to see a girl and you give her a good review. You paid $250.

She suddenly raises her rates to $300. For $300 you can see a $200 hr girl and go to an AMP. 2 visits for the price of one. Or one Saturday visit and one Sunday visit.

Now you go and do as I mentioned and the $300 girl loses your business. You do a review and mention her inflated prices and now she loses even more business. If more and more guys stuck to their guns we wouldn't be dealing with this absurd hobby inflation that Pittsburgh is seeing right now. Girls who should charge $200 hr tops now charging $350- $400 hr. If we don't pay it it won't happen.

If I have a regular and she were to raise her prices I would say goodbye and on to the next. So many young hot girls on IG and Linkedin that you can get by without using these sites if need be.

In regards to the previous steak reference. If I'm going to Pittsburgh Rare for a Steak that was $50 last month and is now $150 I certainly wouldn't be going back. If you don't pay the inflated price one of two things will happen. The business will close (in this case the girl isn't going to retire) or option 2 the business will be forced to lower their prices in order to stay open. Simple economics.
Grace Preston's Avatar
Simple economics...

Now-- mind you, I'm saying this as someone that comes in at a price point that would be reasonable according to most examples so-- this isn't someone with GPS trying to stir the pot.... Heck-- I have long time regulars who still pay the same rate I charged a decade ago. I take care of those who take care of me.. its just good business.

Simple economics are that a lady is not going to charge more than what she can reasonably get. Because-- if you price yourself out of the market-- you aren't going to make anything. These hobby boards are a very small sliver of the whole pie-- so even if you managed to get every board member on board with a "price embargo".. 90% of the market wouldn't be involved in said embargo.

I said it in another thread today-- if a lady is charging more than she can get-- one of two things will happen-- she will either drop her rates or she will decide that the industry isn't worth the risks at whatever price she is "worth" in the market-- and she'll quit. Ladies are not staying in the market if they aren't getting business-- there is too much overhead for ladies to just sit around all day every day.

I feel for a lot of these AMP ladies. Depending on who they work for, often the tip is the only money they get. But-- I also understand that when a gent goes to an AMP-- they're expecting a considerably lower price point overall. But with that-- will come shifts downward in consistency unless you find yourself a gem and are the sort that doesn't mind seeing the same lady continually.

You're a sucker if you think you have to give ridiculously high tips to these women to enjoy yourself. I went to the same woman for months, every week and never tipped more than $40 and she was always grateful. Originally Posted by wheretogo
I didnt say that now did I? The market is what it is, what I said is its tiring hearing you all bitch about it day and night. List crawler is full of $100 girls....good luck. Other cities are better, go there for fucks sake. Pittsburgh is what it is.....a constant stream of bitching doesnt do a fucking thing about it.

A steak in Pittsburgh costs what it costs, dont have that much...enjoy a burger. How fucking hard is it to understand?
It can be argued but I'd bet that the 2 most reviewed girls in Pittsburgh are Anna at Tang and Mick. Why is that? Low price and high value. Any girl can give good value at a decent price and be flooded. Her name escapes me but the girl in the Southside last year was getting tons of good press. Why? Good service, decent rates. Lacey could make a mint if she gave good service. So many others could too.
pensfan123456's Avatar
Monty is right guys, and a girl (who actually seems to be a nice provider who actually wants to add to the conversation in a kind, constructive way) just told you; this site doesn’t represent the entire hobby clientele.

Rates in Pittsburgh for quality service are high because there is a very limited supply. Economics do the rest.

In Pittsburgh, steak costs more because there is less of it. You can go to Philly or NYC or DC and get steak cheaper, but here in PGH, it is what it is. Bitching about it isn’t going to change it.
Grace Preston's Avatar
I. Any girl can give good value at a decent price and be flooded. . Originally Posted by paintedbynumbers

Welp.. I'm gonna test that theory in May I'll let you know how it turns out.

In all seriousness, Pittsburgh is one of the markets close enough to me to make it a regular thing if it goes well. I'm trying to cultivate things closer to home to reduce my travel time.
your not going to find consistency at bargain prices. For anything, I dont care what it is. I get tired of hearing people bitch about it to be honest. If you want a good steak, you know your going to pay for it. You can go to Mortons any given night and get one of the best steaks around but you are going to pay more than Ponderosa. Its the way everything works. Originally Posted by sjomonty
Wait is there a Ponderosa in business?