Sarah Love

Any information on her?

She has a current ad on PD and I know she’s legit. I don’t hobby often in Jackson because of crime, so what I’m really wondering about is location. Not trying to be a leech on the board, just trying to be safe. I’ll report back if all goes well.
  • msguy
  • 02-22-2022, 07:17 PM
[Duplicate post]
  • msguy
  • 02-22-2022, 07:19 PM
I have never seen Sarah, but she is a member of Eccie with a few reviews from 2019: reviews

It looks like she hasn't been active on Eccie since 2020.
I’ve never seen her. I have talked. Her screening is pretty intense. Wasn’t willing to go through it.
Guitar's Avatar
She's out of my pricerange. Which ain't saying much.
I have tried to set up an appointment with her as well. She wouldn’t see me because I had grown a beard since my DL photo was taken. She used to post the she was NOT GFE also so I passed for that kind of $.
Wow. Because you had grown a beard? Some of these girls are thorough, which I can't blame them especially in Jackson, but my god..
I agree. Kind of ridiculous. I just moved on.
Now I remember that I tried to meet with her about 6 months ago. She rejected me because my hair had grown out compared to my DL. I don’t know how you get business if everyone has to look exactly like their ID.
Anybody who does pass her screening should measure her height and weight and compare it to her ad...then walk out if it doesn't match...check her for new tattoos as well lol
I sure as hell would not show my drivers license!! I bet she want show hers!
Yeah I don't think I could do that either. You have no info but what she posts in her ad. She wants your name, face and address on full display. Wtf!!