Presidential Succession: A Novel, A Movie, a Conspiracy Theory?

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Presidential Succession: A Novel, A Movie, a Conspiracy Theory?

In these days, about everyone knows the first levels of presidential succession: President, Vice President, Speaker of the House, and Secretary of State, in that order. Several years ago, there was a short-lived TV series called, “Designated Survivor” whose central premise is that the entire federal government is wiped out at a State of The Union address . . .except for this one minor cabinet secretary. And now HE is president.

That, and the recent SOTU event got me thinking about it all over again. In the current real-world political scene, I think many Democrats regret President Biden’s nomination, though they welcome his win. I genuinely believe that there was a plan for him to step down soon after the election “for reasons of health”. I think that plan was derailed by the realization that Vice President Harris iseven less desirable as President. It is my guess that either is Speaker of the House Pelosi too is not considered to be a good candidate for next President. Of course, this is all speculation.

And so, what to do? If I were writing a novel in the style of John Grissom or a movie, I might plot it out this way. The Vice President meets is removed from the political scene through some totally non-suspicious event. It could be illness, such as Covid19 or a skiing accident . . .whatever. There is no immediate question of intrigue or foul play. The position of Vice President is filled by appointing someone agreeable to both parties as was done when Jerald Ford replaced the disgraced Spiro Agnew during the Nixon administration. And THEN the President has a stroke or something catastrophic. Recall the Movie, “Dave”. This leaves the hand-picked, non-elected VP in the top slot. Lots of room there for intrigue and drama. Plenty of ethical dilemmas and so on.

Think anything like this has crossed the minds of anyone in the Clinton camp?

I'm just guessing about all this stuff.
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  • WTF
  • 03-04-2022, 06:15 AM
You need to get with Barelycorn and write a screen play
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Yeah, you could call it “ain’t shit ado about nothin’”
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Designated Survivor was an interesting concept for television but rest assured that Keifer Sutherland (the former Secretary of Education) was going to be more than up to the task. I guess that is Hollywood's way of saying anyone could be the president. Now we know that is not true, witness Biden, Harris, and Pelosi. Two corruptocrats and a sex doll. It also post dates the Tom Clancy novel Debt of Honor. In reality, we have already had Mrs. Wilson run the country after Woodrow had his stroke and I'm sure that Jill Biden sits in on meetings.

The way to rock Putin and Xi back on their heels would require some sacrifice from Joe. Fire Kameltoe, nominate Trump to the job of VP and Joe resigns. Trump becomes president and Russia and China have to reevaluate what they intend to do. The price could be a pardon for the Biden family.
Designated Survivor was an interesting concept for television but rest assured that Keifer Sutherland (the former Secretary of Education) was going to be more than up to the task. I guess that is Hollywood's way of saying anyone could be the president. Now we know that is not true, witness Biden, Harris, and Pelosi. Two corruptocrats and a sex doll. It also post dates the Tom Clancy novel Debt of Honor. In reality, we have already had Mrs. Wilson run the country after Woodrow had his stroke and I'm sure that Jill Biden sits in on meetings.

The way to rock Putin and Xi back on their heels would require some sacrifice from Joe. Fire Kameltoe, nominate Trump to the job of VP and Joe resigns. Trump becomes president and Russia and China have to reevaluate what they intend to do. The price could be a pardon for the Biden family. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
That’s not a bad idea. LoL There is enough crap out there against the “Biden Cartel” to make it viable scenario. And Hunter is the gift that keeps on giving.

The only problem is they can’t fire “Knee Pads” She is the duly elected Vice President. Once you get past that “First Black Woman” crap, she is a total Doofus, but the only way to get rid of her is impeachment.
rexdutchman's Avatar
all the above ,
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
This has been talked about. She was part of a team that ran for two offices. The president has all the power, and the VP is a tagalong. What if the VP committed a heinous act of disloyalty? Don't you think the President has the power to end that. It has nothing do with either legislative or judicial. The Congress would not have the power to override what the president wanted to do with his (or her) VP.
ICU 812's Avatar
All good stuff there. Thanks everyone.

I actually think that something like the cynical speculation in the OP is the only pathway open for Hillery Clinton to ever be President, or even Vice President for that matter.
ICU 812's Avatar
This has been talked about. She was part of a team that ran for two offices. The president has all the power, and the VP is a tagalong. What if the VP committed a heinous act of disloyalty? Don't you think the President has the power to end that. It has nothing do with either legislative or judicial. The Congress would not have the power to override what the president wanted to do with his (or her) VP. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn

Can someone clarify and re-cap how and why Spiro Agnew was removed from his elected position as Vice President during the Nixon administration? My fuzzy recollection is that he was not impeached, but the details escape me.
Can someone clarify and re-cap how and why Spiro Agnew was removed from his elected position as Vice President during the Nixon administration? My fuzzy recollection is that he was not impeached, but the details escape me. Originally Posted by ICU 812

I googled it and Agnew pleaded guilty to a single charge of Tax Evasion and resigned. Gerald Ford was then appointed VP. I think this was done like a cabinet post where Nixon appointed him and then the Senate approved the appointment.

Ford then appointed Nelson Rockefeller to the VP position.
ICU 812's Avatar

With that said: Is there a pathway to the top for either of the Clintons then?

If I were Vice President Harris, I'd get a food taster.

For some reason, the kids board game "Shoots and Laddrsd" comes to mind.
bambino's Avatar
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar

With that said: Is there a pathway to the top for either of the Clintons then?

If I were Vice President Harris, I'd get a food taster.

For some reason, the kids board game "Shoots and Laddrsd" comes to mind. Originally Posted by ICU 812
You mean Chelsea or Hillary? Bill has already had his two constitutional terms. Anything is possible. There needs to be an opening in the VP job. There is no precedent, but I believe that the president could fire the VP for any reason. After that, Biden could nominate anyone who qualifies (age 35+, natural citizen, and not having served two terms). At that point, the Senate has to confirm and the new VP has to be sworn into office. At that point, the president could resign moving the VP up into the Oval Office. There would be a lot of hate and discontent in the Senate as only the most stupid would see the handwriting on the wall. The senate would be voting for a future president.