"Everything I needed to know I learned in Kindergarten" kind of sums it up! Its not to damn hard to say please and thank you! Its not to difficult to be respectful to one another! And its definitely not beyond our ability to work together to make this an amazing and creative site!
I'll admit there are times and there are individuals, providers and hobbyiest alike, that I enjoy hearing from. Some of the comments, the candor, the thoughtful and even laughable things that come out of your fingers are/is priceless!
I've heard it said that the good die young and that it takes a village ... BLAH BLAH BLAH but if condescending, demeaning, mean spirited comments/behavior, and disrespectful conduct become common place our Upstate Forum will begin to look like so many others across the country with fewer and fewer providers and hobbyiests posting.
Positive comments, respectful banter, open respectful communication is what I know that me and many others if not most enjoy seeing!
Thank you for letting me get that off my chest, and I appreciate your attention!
Please have a lovely day