NCNS Encounter - LaceyLuv took deposit and never replied back

User ID: -
Date: 03/06/2022
Name: Lacey Luv
Phone: (605) 627-1544
Email Address:
URL / Website:
City: Fayetteville
State: Arkansas
Address: --
Activities: Took 40 in deposit and never replied in messages and ignored my calls
Hair Length and Color: Don't know
Age: Don't know
Smoking Status: I Couldn't Tell
Ethnic Background: White/Caucasian
Physical Description: Don't know as I haven't met her in person
Recommendation: No
Precious_b's Avatar
You can always chargeback.
Welcome to Eccie and sorry your first one was a scammer. The first clue is the 605 Area Code. The easiest way to keep from getting scammed don't pay deposits. Just don't!
No matter what story they tell you, no deposits. After you send the money its gone, unless its a CC, then maybe you can charge back.
So I know several ladies on here that do charge deposits and when I tell you for a fact I know first hand Miss EJE is packing her bag so fast and jumping on a plane to get to that person.. LOL NO MATTER WHAT other plans she has deposit guys come first. Even in the same city the girl has to get gas or catch a uber etc etc it takes money to get ready for each person You take yourself off the market for that desired time. For instance... A guy calls at 9 a.m. wants noon every guy that called from 9:15 to 11:30 wanting noon you told no sorry that hr is booked already.
At 11:45 the guy calls damn baby I am sorry my boss is keeping me for lunch today.. I will make it up to you another time..OH WELL THESE THINGS HAPPEN! NO,,, Now it is too late you can not call any of the other guys back not enough time and you have zero to show for your high traffic time. This why girls double book or require deposits.

So many flake and guys changing everything a girl drops everything to get to a town get a room and then the guy says oops sorry wife got off work today early.
So verified ladies most do ask for deposits especially if they are ordering a room traveling.
AND That for now is the only real verification not LE they can NOT send money for no service yet.
To send money ahead of time to a non verified lady is wreck-less but if she is highly reviewed and been on here a gazzillion yrs. Her reputation is worth more than your little 25 50 or 100 dollars. I PROMISE YOU THAT!

I for one do not ask for them unless you are asking me to go to a city I am not in or on my map.
because all those little deposits are all a money trail,,,,,,,, And for me THAT IS A BIG NO!
Unless you are buying candles, lotion, tshirts etc I would be careful . But thats me
Well lost opportunities are a 2 way street. For example for me to see someone for a hour date. I have to block off 3 to 4 hours. Hour plus each way and account for someone being late and hour of fun. So when I get crickets from a provider it causes a lost opportunity for another lady who I could have seen. So my time, effort and money is worth something too. So deposits are a big no to me unless I have seen someone and they ask me to spot the hotel when we show up.
suzukidrew's Avatar
I agree, Baconman. If I am established with a provider and they need a deposit, that’s one thing. But I will not pay a deposit to someone I’ve never seen. It’s just too risky. I understand her need to cover her bases, but I will simply go to a provider that doesn’t require it.
Well lost opportunities are a 2 way street. For example for me to see someone for a hour date. I have to block off 3 to 4 hours. Hour plus each way and account for someone being late and hour of fun. So when I get crickets from a provider it causes a lost opportunity for another lady who I could have seen. So my time, effort and money is worth something too. So deposits are a big no to me unless I have seen someone and they ask me to spot the hotel when we show up. Originally Posted by Baconman
This is it. I've wasted probably 5 hours at least this year so far showing up to a ghost 3 different times. No way a deposit is happening at this point unless she's paying me earnest money to prove she'll meet the appointment!
CH Luke's Avatar
When I had a high dollar big city provider with excellent reviews ask me what I wanted, and I told her...not graphic...not fetish...just normal stuff... and she switched on me from a seductress to an instant puritanical bitch...where she 1) ghosted me almost until our appointment, 2) cancelled at the last minute, knowing I had already driven a half hour to her approximate location, 3) told me that my reply was too detailed, as though snuggling and necking to warm up is somehow kinky, and 4) declared that if we ever see each other in the future, a deposit will be required. ...THAT is the moment that I decided that I would NEVER, no, not EVER, pay a deposit. I would have thought she was as stable as they come, and it turned out her brain was cocked and on a hair trigger. No doubt she would have walked with my deposit if she could have. What she did was bad enough, and cost me plenty.

After reading all the stories about other guys paying deposits, it's my opinion that paying a deposit makes your odds of the girl showing up much LOWER rather than better.