Is Putin genius? Savvy? Smart?

Calling this complete mess Putin created for himself genius and savvy?
Anyone who would say that is a complete fool. Let alone a traitor.
Let’s see, traitor garbage vs senile Joe.
Let’s hope Disantis or someone else out of the blue can make themselves electable. Seriously what a fucking moron. Anything but a show of support to the Ukrainians is reckless and stupid for any ex-POTUS. Russia needs to know we are unified. People wonder why he lost!
I know this isn’t the place for anti-Trump republicans but I feel better.
HDGristle's Avatar
Larry Hogan would he just fine. He just needs more personality.

Would absolutely kick the shit out of Biden in an election, as is, though
Calling this complete mess Putin created for himself genius and savvy?
Anyone who would say that is a complete fool. Let alone a traitor.
Let’s see, traitor garbage vs senile Joe.
Let’s hope Disantis or someone else out of the blue can make themselves electable. Seriously what a fucking moron. Anything but a show of support to the Ukrainians is reckless and stupid for any ex-POTUS. Russia needs to know we are unified. People wonder why he lost!
I know this isn’t the place for anti-Trump republicans but I feel better. Originally Posted by Charley3

... Once again, you missed the point of Trump's comments.
And I'm not surprised.

But "we're" NOT unified... Biden is stuck - which is why
Putin is "a genius" ... Putin surely controls the energy.
Everyone's energy.

Sleepy Joe can say what he wants. Putin knows better.
Joe needs to kiss Putin's arse... Plain and simple.

Putin wants the border area of Ukraine... And once Ukraine
agrees to let Russia have it - the conflict can end.

Biden's weak - and everybody knows this.
WHERE will America get its oil?
Where will Europe get its energy?

... You droobs miss Trump Yet?!

### Salty
... Larry Hogan?? Ye Christ!

Hulk Hogan wouldn't stand a chance against Trump in the primary.

#### Salty
HDGristle's Avatar
... Larry Hogan?? Ye Christ!

Hulk Hogan wouldn't stand a chance against Trump in the primary.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Big Boot. Leg Drop. 1-2-3. Hogan would never do the job and eat the pin because Trump keeps sniffing around Brooke.

2 giant assholes primadonnas, 1 steel cage. No Holds Barred, Brother!
... Once again, you missed the point of Trump's comments.
And I'm not surprised.

But "we're" NOT unified... Biden is stuck - which is why
Putin is "a genius" ... Putin surely controls the energy.
Everyone's energy.

Sleepy Joe can say what he wants. Putin knows better.
Joe needs to kiss Putin's arse... Plain and simple.

Putin wants the border area of Ukraine... And once Ukraine
agrees to let Russia have it - the conflict can end.

Biden's weak - and everybody knows this.
WHERE will America get its oil?
Where will Europe get its energy?

... You droobs miss Trump Yet?!

### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
You’re as bad as Dump. You’re literally hoping for a Russian win. I’m not surprised.
... The Russian "win" was most likely never in question, mate.
Who is gonna stop Putin? ... Trump prolly could've - but then
I don't believe Putin woulda done this with Trump on.
No pipelines for Russia with Trump.

NOW - Putin controls the energy... This rubbish we see reported
by the media is just for show. ... The onley way the situation
gets better is when they make a deal (agreement) with Putin.

Those European nations want NO PART of Russia surely shuttin' off
their energy... Any more than the Canadian officials wanted
the truckers to STOP working and making deliveries.

Putin is surely the centre of attention NOW... Thanks to the
likes of Germany - and now Biden.

Putin also knows Biden would rather see $20 dollar a gallon petro gas,
than opening ANWAR for drilling. ... and THAT is the problem.

#### Salty
bambino's Avatar
Well, it seems that Putin is smarter than Joey Bribes. I concede that’s a low bar. Our energy and inflation are going thru the roof. Bribes is impotent to stop it. So is Europe. Seems like Putin has them by the balls. The fact of the matter is Putin kicked the Rothchilds and their banks out of Russia two years ago. He went back to the gold standard. Mebbe he’ll tell Europe he’ll only take the gold backed Ruble for payment for energy and wheat? Then what? Goodbye Petro Dollar. The Sanctions don’t mean a thing. But hey, you heard it first here.
Big Boot. Leg Drop. 1-2-3. Hogan would never do the job and eat the pin because Trump keeps sniffing around Brooke.

2 giant assholes primadonnas, 1 steel cage. No Holds Barred, Brother! Originally Posted by HDGristle
Hee Hee! ... But the point is, mate:

... Larry Hogan has NO CHANCE as a serious Republican
Presidential candidate.

... just sayin'

#### Salty
HDGristle's Avatar
They said the same thing about Reagan. And Trump.

You're right until you're wrong Salty.
... Hey Charlie - don't mis-understand.

Biden would LOVE to see Putin back-off... And see Ukraine
hold-off Russia and win the thing... And THAT'S GOOD!

But as far as stopping Putin? ... see, this is the problem
when you allow Russia to CONTROL all the energy.

And THAT is what Joe has done... Along-with the droobs in Europe.

Trump complained about NATO for years, remember?
How Germany wants America to pay and protect them from Russia
- while Germany is getting their energy supply FROM Russia.

See? ... Elections surely have consequences... THINK before you vote.

### Salty
bambino's Avatar
Seems like some here are off topic. This thread has nothing to do with Hogen.
They said the same thing about Reagan. And Trump.

You're right until you're wrong Salty. Originally Posted by HDGristle
Hmmmm... Reckon that's fair dinkum, mate.

But WHERE'S Larry Hogan in the Republican candidate polling??

### Salty
bambino's Avatar
Putin is clearly “smarter” than Joey Bribes, who is senile. Trump said what every sane person in America knows. The world too. It’s not a secret

The thing is, Bribes has been a joke for 50yrs. Robert Gates said he was wrong on every foreign policy decision. Is Gates a traitor too??

This country was better in every measurement under Trump. But the emotionally unstable didn’t like his perceived “mean” tweets. Some people can’t handle the truth. Pathetic
Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • 03-11-2022, 07:29 PM
Europe is a decade ahead of us on the green new not a deal.

Germany has closed its last coal mines, and its nuclear plants, and is now dependent upon Putin for half their energy.

They are rethinking that now, as, will this country, as, its now clear, that our country must become energy independent for fossil fuels.

Predictions are, you won't be able to buy an electric car or hybrid next year because of demand, once people realise that electric cars are a pain in the ass, and not able to fill the void for gasoline, opinions will change back to wanting good old internal combustion engines.

Further, if the electric vehicle companies price gouge, or allow dealer markup, it will drive normal people furhter from E shit.

Putin is smart, because he's making Europe and the rest of the world realzize that solar, wind, and electric are just not feasible now, or for decades, at least for the masses.