Beach Girls, West DSM, IA in the news today...

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I mean we all knew VIP rooms were money grabbers, and from discussion with past ladies, ladies have always had to pay the clubs this and that to work there...
To my knowledge most clubs in Iowa work this way so it'd be surprising if this prices is now found to be illegal. Yes, dancers can have bad nights where they lose money, but the sky is the limit with regards to what they can make. California made it so dancers are no longer considered independent contractors and I've heard they get guaranteed income from wages but lose out on big cuts from dances.
interesting...I'm no lawyer (but at times act like I know the but how is that any different from a hairdresser that "rents" chair space?
vegasbaby7's Avatar
interesting...I'm no lawyer (but at times act like I know the but how is that any different from a hairdresser that "rents" chair space? Originally Posted by ReeceMcneal
1 MAJOR difference - the hairdresser can charge whater she wants. She isn't told what she has to charge by the owner.
Btw, you missed a great time at OL last night
@vegas - I heard that I did. Next time. Told CY that I can do OL either this Thur/Fri/Sat. Glad you were able to make it and meet up with him.
x"CY"ting's Avatar
Yes it was a good time! We kinda had the "corner on the market"!! 3-4 dancers sitting/talking with us all the time!! Vegas seemed to enjoy himself!!
vegasbaby7's Avatar
Yes it was a good time! We kinda had the "corner on the market"!! 3-4 dancers sitting/talking with us all the time!! Vegas seemed to enjoy himself!! Originally Posted by x"CY"ting
I absolutely enjoyed it! Beautiful & friendly ladies how could I not!