Can you provide a definition for the word woman

berryberry's Avatar
Since the idiot libtard nominated for the Supreme Court doesn't know what a woman is, do you?
Yes Berry. It’s pretty obvious. An adult human being who was born with female reproductive organs.
DNA doesn't lie.
Gender is assigned at birth. Sex(uality) is decided by an individual once they are an adult.

I have no respect for anyone who allows a child, or teenager even, to go through a sex change process. IMO the only time that is acceptable is if you are born intersex.

If an adult wants to change their sex, let them, but they aren't going to actually be what they change to. I'm also opposed to men competing in sports as women after the sex change. There are differences between men and women that surgery and hormones can not change. That can give a man-turned-woman an unfair advantage in sports.

But if an adult wants to change from a man to a woman, or a woman to a man, let them. They are still generically what they were before, even if they got something added/removed from their body
Well said brother
Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • 03-23-2022, 02:18 PM
Hell froze over, we actually agree.
chizzy's Avatar
Its simple..... follow the science as the dems love to say..... chromosomes
Anything g else is a mental disorder
Gender is a little more cut and try than politics.
berryberry's Avatar
Gender is a little more cut and try than politics. Originally Posted by onawbtngr546
I will give you credit for answering this as you did

You will notice all the usual suspect libtards, who are never at a loss for words, have avoided answering the question. People always reveal themselves
HDGristle's Avatar
Gender is assigned at birth. Sex(uality) is decided by an individual once they are an adult.

I have no respect for anyone who allows a child, or teenager even, to go through a sex change process. IMO the only time that is acceptable is if you are born intersex.

If an adult wants to change their sex, let them, but they aren't going to actually be what they change to. I'm also opposed to men competing in sports as women after the sex change. There are differences between men and women that surgery and hormones can not change. That can give a man-turned-woman an unfair advantage in sports.

But if an adult wants to change from a man to a woman, or a woman to a man, let them. They are still generically what they were before, even if they got something added/removed from their body Originally Posted by onawbtngr546
I agree, for the most part, except for reversing sex and gender. Sex being assigned at birth and gender being how a person identifies.

As for athletes, I would leave it up to a case-by-case assessment.

Gabe Tuft to Gabbi Tuft as an example of a Trans woman that had the transition been made earlier during a career as a body builder should not have been competing against non-trans women.
berryberry's Avatar
Ha - most of the libtards here are still in a panic, scurrying like rats away from this thread. Afraid to click a box and answer the poll question in the OP. What are they afraid of? If they truly don't know the difference, there is an "I don't know" option. Although you would hope being on a hooker board, one would know the difference.

People always reveal themselves. This is what our WOKE world has come to. That people can't even state basic facts differentiating men and woman. There is no case by case assessment and this fucking woke BS about "how a person identifies" does not change the basics of human biology. Facts taught in basic sex education and biology class:

Ripmany's Avatar
I rather use word bitch, cunt, cum dumpster, woolly mam, could be a woman. I like woolly chicks. Nasty pelosi old nasty pussey, babby maker.
berryberry's Avatar
Still crickets from the usual suspect libtards.

What are they afraid of?

Are they waiting for guidance from the DNC to click a box on the poll question?
Ripmany's Avatar
Where is this poll
berryberry's Avatar
Where is this poll Originally Posted by Ripmany
Initial Post of the thread.

It's where the man who runs his mouth on everything is afraid to answer. So I guess that means he is in the "I don't know" camp