North Korean Breaks 4 Year Moratorium On ICBM Testing By Launching Biggest Missile Yet

berryberry's Avatar
They all know Senile Biden is a feckless piece of shit . They are all laughing at America because libtards cheated to put this incompetent moron into office

North Korean Breaks 4 Year Moratorium On ICBM Testing By Launching Biggest Missile Yet

... See? ... Trump's not on now to push them-about.

So they'll do what they want 'cause Sleepy Joe is weak.

#### Salty
berryberry's Avatar
Every World Leader leader knows Senile Biden is weak - and his weakness caused a European war.
eyecu2's Avatar
Dubious timing indeed. Like he's taking advantage of the current crisis in Ukraine. Might be a gutsy move, or the beginning of the end. Does anyone think this won't get a reply from either the NATO nations or someone that just decides to fuck them up. It's been years since the might of the USA has been tested in N. Korea. Time to go kick some kimchi ass.
... Biden's weak...

### Salty
berryberry's Avatar
BREAKING: North Korea is reportedly constructing a shortcut to a tunnel at a nuclear testing site, possibly in preparation for a nuclear test.