Senile Biden’s Order to Get ‘F-cking Asses in Seats’ Contributed to August 26 Afghanistan Attack that Killed 13 Americans

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Senile Biden’s Order to Get ‘F-cking Asses in Seats’ Contributed to August 26 Afghanistan Attack that Killed 13 Americans

Military leaders claimed that the August 26, 2021, attack in Afghanistan that killed 13 American service members at the Hamid Karzai International Airport’s Abbey Gate was “not preventable.” However, sources who were on the ground, as well as a recently released Army investigative report, say that President Joe Biden’s order to evacuate as many people as possible contributed to the attack.

“Based on our investigation at the tactical level, this was not preventable,” U.S. Army Central Command Lt. Gen. Ron Clark, the lead investigator, told reporters at a briefing on his findings last month.

However, his report, which was released via Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) to the Washington Post in February, said as one of its key findings, “The attack was not preventable at the tactical level without degrading the mission to maximize the number of evacuees.”

A U.S. government source who was on the ground during the evacuation and close to officials conducting it told Breitbart News in an interview that Biden had directed them to get “asses in seats” — an order to get as many people on planes out of Kabul as possible.

That mid-evacuation order led to the ballooning of the non-combatant evacuation operation’s scale, which the military would fulfill at great risk.

“It was basically the second day, you know, the president of United States called — I didn’t talk to him, not saying I talked to him — but I heard the conversation. He was like, ‘I want f-cking asses in seats,'” the source said.

“And so what happens when you do that? The gates get opened. And that’s why I believe the last statistic I saw is like maybe 10% of the people that out of the 124,000 that we got out of there are actually warranted to be out of there,” the source said.

Although the U.S. government had planned for months for an orderly non-combatant evacuation operation (NEO) for U.S. officials, allies, and designated Afghans, what unfolded was an all-out fight by tens of thousands of desperate Afghans to get into the four-and-a-half-mile perimeter airport — stemmed only by a few thousand U.S. troops at various gates that were in constant danger of being breached.

The investigation found a situation where commanders had to choose between protecting forces or getting more evacuees through, per Biden’s order.

“The priority for the Marines at Abbey Gate was maximizing the flow of evacuees through the gate to the [evacuation control center],” the report said. “Any time spent emplacing obstacles was time not spent searching and screening civilian evacuees.”

“Additionally, many force protection measures that could have been implemented, such as additional T-Walls or HESCO barriers, would have inherently reduced the flow of evacuees,” it continued.

“Leaders struck the balance of protecting the force and maximizing the flow of evacuees as best as possible under the circumstances,” it said.

The Army report also said gate commanders were allowed to shut the gates in response to threats but that they were under “tremendous pressure from the strategic level (Combatant Command (CCMD), Joint Staff (JS), White House) to continue to process and evacuate civilians to the maximum extent possible, so gate closures were done rarely, locally, and temporarily.”

The [president of the United States] says to open the gates and get as many people on planes as possible. Any American ID and their families was to be let in. We had to make sure every aircraft is full. Then we also receive a statement saying women and children were at risk and should be brought through as priority like [American citizens]. This increased the inflow of personnel massively. This set the stage for the 26th.

“The decision to get ‘f-cking asses in seats’ crushed us,”
the U.S. government source told Breitbart News.

An August 18, 2021, email released by Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) in October 2021 backed up the source’s claim that Biden had ordered U.S. officials to allow people through to fill out planes.

The email’s subject line was “Presidential Directive.”

Biden’s directive came after shocking footage of Afghans trying to flee Afghanistan — even clinging to departing planes — and some aircraft leaving Afghanistan almost empty.