Is this real??

Is this a legit ad? If so I ask why!! Have we really fallen this hard with times?
bambino's Avatar
I wouldn’t be shocked if someone posts a review.
Yeah, they will say something like "I met her in Monroeville but her ass was still in greentree"
She probably has marks from the dart gun the game warden uses.
It probably feels really weird if she was riding cg and her ass was rubbing your toes lol
Crikey! ... Not nice for you mates to do insults to the lovvy.
Especially in the "New Age of Wokeness"...

... So in apology - one o' you brave lads surely needs to
"take a hard and fat tackle for our side" and have a go
with her.

Any takers??

### Salty
I don't think sir Lancelot is brave enough