GOP representative resigns

the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar

Nebraska representative Jeff Fortenberry announced his resignation from Congress effective the 31st of March. This follows his conviction by a California jury of breaking campaign laws of lying about donations from foreign sources at two interviews.
People make mistakes and people are corrupt. The important take away is that this man has accepted the judgement of the court and is leaving his elected position. He is facing anywhere from zero time to 15 years. He could stand and fight and hope for the best, but he is putting the needs of his constituents first.
Of course, those small minded, morally bereft people will cheer without realizing that Fortenberry has set the standard by which Pelosi, Schiff, Swalwell, and others should be judged. Remember, he was convicted of lying about the donations, not taking the donations. Imagine the penalty for having Chinese spies on your staff, in your car, or in your bed. We know that the Clintons took foreign money and lied about it. Obama changed the algorithm on campaign donations, took foreign money, and lied about it. Why would Biden be any different. When the impeachment proceedings start next year, this will be just one more brick in the wall in the cell to handle the Biden criminal family.
... Reckon the fellow surely wishes he was a Dem right about now.

Seeing-as there's a two-tiered system of justice in America.

One for Democrats - where there's NO accountability for any misdeeds.
And the other for Republicans - who face charges.
All this from a politically corrupt FBI and DOJ.

### Salty
VitaMan's Avatar
Is this exciting to you ?

Trump and his whole family are about to be deposed in another court case involving his crooked Trump Organization.

The amount of money they stole dwarfs anything else.

Not to mention loans from Deutsche Bank he never paid back.

Not to mention the millions he stole from Atlantic City casino stockholders. His response to that ?

"I made a lot of money in Atlantic City."
... Can't find any takers - eh, Vita?

Your TDS is really sad - worst on the forum.
As you HIDE from all the outright lies told about Trump.
From "Russia Collusion" to Hillary's spying.

... But this thread has nothing to do with Trump.

#### Salty
VitaMan's Avatar
You forgot to mention the other attorneys that worked on Trump's case believed there is plenty of evidence to get a conviction....for several felonies.

You've got a pretty severe case of BDS yourself. Throwing it into every post.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
You forgot to mention the other attorneys that worked on Trump's case believed there is plenty of evidence to get a conviction....for several felonies. Originally Posted by VitaMan

yet the DA decided not press a case. must not have thought the "evidence" was that convincing. of course Bragg is a experienced prosecutor and you are just an "independently wealthy" poster on a whore board.

so who's more believable?

VitaMan's Avatar
Read what the other attorneys had to say before you bloviate. It is not me saying it.

But this is your regular time to post before your bedtime. Have at it.
... How many of 'em told us Trump colluded with the Russians?
And that "Hunter's laptop" was really Russian Disinformation.

... No bleedin' wonder that Putin and the Russians are blue.
The Dems and the news-media keep LYING about them.

#### Salty
VitaMan's Avatar
You love to interject threads with the same old stuff that have nothing to do with the thread topic. Severe BDS. Maybe it will go down as the worst case in history.
Is this exciting to you ?

Trump and his whole family are about to be deposed in another court case involving his crooked Trump Organization.

The amount of money they stole dwarfs anything else.

Not to mention loans from Deutsche Bank he never paid back.

Not to mention the millions he stole from Atlantic City casino stockholders. His response to that ?

"I made a lot of money in Atlantic City." Originally Posted by VitaMan
He might spend some time in court, but not five minutes in jail. You can chase that dream all you want. If they didn't get the Clinton's,the Bush or The Biden's and they're many others they won't get Trump.
VitaMan's Avatar
It doesn't matter to me. Trump is a crook....and everybody knows it.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Read what the other attorneys had to say before you bloviate. It is not me saying it.

But this is your regular time to post before your bedtime. Have at it. Originally Posted by VitaMan

i've read it. so why would Bragg who stated when he took office he would continue the investigation change his mind after seeing the evidence? the evidence the two lawyers who resigned stated was clear cut?

next you'll be claiming Trump has something on Bragg and pulled a Don Corleone and made him an offer he couldn't refuse.

VitaMan's Avatar
That is Braggs opinion. So what ? Does it make you happy ? It doesn't change the evidence that was collected.

The evidence shows Trump has been a lying sack of shit his entire adult life.
It doesn't matter to me. Trump is a crook....and everybody knows it. Originally Posted by VitaMan
Did Adam Schiff and Jerry Nadler tell you that?
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
It doesn't matter to me. Trump is a crook....and everybody knows it. Originally Posted by VitaMan
Everyone? You mean, if I ask 1,000 people if Trump is a crook then every single one of them will say YES. Anything less than 100% and you are either wrong or a liar. Considering that I have just as much chance as anyone to be polled for this and I do NOT consider Trump to be "crooked" lose. Accept your beating like a man.