Advice for novices/new comers

First of all welcome. This is a great thing as long as you keep it in perspective. So how do you get started. Search for newbie friendly providers then hit their pms. Give the provider everything she asks for besides your real life information or a deposit. Hold your ground on that. Someone will see you. See her then use her as a reference to see another

Once you have two you are all set. Write a review. Now thus is what they don't tell you. We all take shit on the chin. I've wasted thousands on terrible appointments. You will get a mulligan. Just research so you don't get robbed or encounter a bad pimp. Everything else you can recover from. Only write a positive review. Those who write negative reviews have more nuts than me

So what does that mean, lie. No. It means if you have a bad time simply say nothing. Only write a review of your positive experiences. Next, say nearly nothing on here except positive comments. Never offer anything negative about a provider. It's so many guys who'll leak comments whatever. Every word you say her has a meaning. Guard it. Saying anything negative about
A female will only get you issues booking, even if the comment was true

Do not ever allow a woman to ever get a picture of you. Think in your mind you are wanted by the feds so never allow your image to be snapped. No matter what. Take her pictures if you can to share with us but never let her snap an image of you or send your image.

Don't overpay. Be a gentleman but don't overpay. There is a reasonable number for providers. Hover around that number. Do you go into Dennys and lay a 100 dollar tip on a breakfast slam and this female might be supporting 3 kids at a waitress job. You probably will not. Remember you can't make friends here or lose them by overspending. Pay what's asked of you at front, in the beginning but what's reasonable

There are no friends here. If you encounter a female here who you think possibly might be your friend just piss her off and see what she says about you. In her mind she wants as much money out of you as possible and you want as much of her pussy, mouth and ass as possible for the least inconvenience

Never go to socials. That's has to be the dumbest shit ever. I'm an avid reader and I think one got raided. This ain't a country club
You are here to get laid and be anonymous. Nothing really great comes out of socials I believe except you are now exposed.

If you have anything to lose give none of your business. Doctors on here writing a script for a woman in their legal name with their license on the line. These females will tell your business, I guarantee you that. A few tequila shots and the right talker and all of your business comes out "granny panties"

After about 4 sessions or more it's hard for feelings to not arise. Being a regular of a female is crazy unless she's doing something
extraordinary. But even then this is not cheap so do yourself a favor and switch it up

Be hygienic. This is a new one for me but if she offers it dfk a woman within great reason. Swapping spit is a really intimate act and most honestly really don't want to do it with some of us. Just project in your mind could you kiss an old ugly woman for any amount of money

Ymmv is a myth. Just show up and do the right thing with the right provider and you are good. There is no connection here, this is a business. Just like most days I wake up and don't want to go to my job or jobs this is a job for them. No matter the chemistry, dogs cats etc this is a job for them and pleasure hopefully for you

Mix in some civie pussy every now and then. It really helps the providers. Nothing more beautiful than a hobbyist who is balanced. Guys if you are competent enough to make money to have sessions you a great enough to go out to a bar or pick up a woman wherever

Don't do anything you wouldn't do to your wife or So to a provider. Reason being is after time you are going to expect that from your SO wife and she can't or will not deliver. This is not a popular belief, but if you have an SO once you get in the game she is the Queen. For whatever reason you are here but remember the queen will be there for you no matter what. You go doing all kinds of shit with providers your Queen doesn't like or allow you to eventually you'll come home to your Queen and look at her differently. DON'T!!!!! Your SO will eventually leave you unless the odd thing of cuckold but I'm black. I could never just have sex with a woman in front of her husband. To all you granny panties dudes who think it's cool to humiliate your SO and have her just quietly sit in the room as you fuck another woman. That's some disrespectful ass shit.i don't even understand crazy chick's who allow this it just takes one wrong time for this form of disrespect and everyone life is changed probably for the worst.Remember, always protect your Queen. That's responsible hobbying.

There are trolls here who offer nothing.their lives are fucked up and they destroy everything. If you are here to have a good time you have got to recognize these trolls and stay far away from them

If you see a woman constantly posting in Coed like avoid her bro. She is a drama queen and you came here to have fun. The best providers never post anything anywhere on Coed especially and the best customers, albeit ain't my road, never really say anything on the board

I could go on. Any newcomer please inbox me for any other advice. I'll give it freely(although it cost me alot lot). Other than that this education has cost me thousands so I'll do my best to help you navigate this crazy world and spend the thousands on my best experiences
pyramider's Avatar
Sweet baby tebow that is too long to read. Could have supplied some taint photos to keep fucktards interested.
winn dixie's Avatar
Heres all the advice a newbie needs--

women are here to separate men from their money! As much as they can! NEVER PREPAY! Never give real world info.!

AND If you post it. OWN IT!
OP joined 5 months ago. That says it all.
Not all providers are EVIL I have thousands of names & personal details info from deposits that I have destroyed & I do not keep phone numbers your giving great brotherly advice that any dork would already know it's called common sense
But the brotherly love is sweet so good for you Pitroom!!
"Don't take financial advice from broke people."
Dave Ramsey

"Don't let someone who gave up on their dreams, talk you out of yours."
A random person.

"Don't take dieting, or healthy eating advice from obese people."
Another random person

And lastly, don't listen to what people say, watch what they do.
Good stuff Pitroom. It may be seen as common sense but we all know a few people whose brain isn't supplied with it. That friend comment hits hard remember that newbies
pyramider's Avatar
Newbies are cute. They remind me of a baby seal begging to be clubbed.
TryWeakly's Avatar
First of all welcome. This is a great thing as long as you keep it in perspective. So how do you get started. Search for newbie friendly providers then hit their pms. Give the provider everything she asks for besides your real life information or a deposit. Hold your ground on that. Someone will see you. See her then use her as a reference to see another

Once you have two you are all set. Write a review. Now thus is what they don't tell you. We all take shit on the chin. I've wasted thousands on terrible appointments. You will get a mulligan. Just research so you don't get robbed or encounter a bad pimp. Everything else you can recover from. Only write a positive review. Those who write negative reviews have more nuts than me

So what does that mean, lie. No. It means if you have a bad time simply say nothing. Only write a review of your positive experiences. Next, say nearly nothing on here except positive comments. Never offer anything negative about a provider. It's so many guys who'll leak comments whatever. Every word you say her has a meaning. Guard it. Saying anything negative about
A female will only get you issues booking, even if the comment was true

Do not ever allow a woman to ever get a picture of you. Think in your mind you are wanted by the feds so never allow your image to be snapped. No matter what. Take her pictures if you can to share with us but never let her snap an image of you or send your image.

Don't overpay. Be a gentleman but don't overpay. There is a reasonable number for providers. Hover around that number. Do you go into Dennys and lay a 100 dollar tip on a breakfast slam and this female might be supporting 3 kids at a waitress job. You probably will not. Remember you can't make friends here or lose them by overspending. Pay what's asked of you at front, in the beginning but what's reasonable

There are no friends here. If you encounter a female here who you think possibly might be your friend just piss her off and see what she says about you. In her mind she wants as much money out of you as possible and you want as much of her pussy, mouth and ass as possible for the least inconvenience

Never go to socials. That's has to be the dumbest shit ever. I'm an avid reader and I think one got raided. This ain't a country club
You are here to get laid and be anonymous. Nothing really great comes out of socials I believe except you are now exposed.

If you have anything to lose give none of your business. Doctors on here writing a script for a woman in their legal name with their license on the line. These females will tell your business, I guarantee you that. A few tequila shots and the right talker and all of your business comes out "granny panties"

After about 4 sessions or more it's hard for feelings to not arise. Being a regular of a female is crazy unless she's doing something
extraordinary. But even then this is not cheap so do yourself a favor and switch it up

Be hygienic. This is a new one for me but if she offers it dfk a woman within great reason. Swapping spit is a really intimate act and most honestly really don't want to do it with some of us. Just project in your mind could you kiss an old ugly woman for any amount of money

Ymmv is a myth. Just show up and do the right thing with the right provider and you are good. There is no connection here, this is a business. Just like most days I wake up and don't want to go to my job or jobs this is a job for them. No matter the chemistry, dogs cats etc this is a job for them and pleasure hopefully for you

Mix in some civie pussy every now and then. It really helps the providers. Nothing more beautiful than a hobbyist who is balanced. Guys if you are competent enough to make money to have sessions you a great enough to go out to a bar or pick up a woman wherever

Don't do anything you wouldn't do to your wife or So to a provider. Reason being is after time you are going to expect that from your SO wife and she can't or will not deliver. This is not a popular belief, but if you have an SO once you get in the game she is the Queen. For whatever reason you are here but remember the queen will be there for you no matter what. You go doing all kinds of shit with providers your Queen doesn't like or allow you to eventually you'll come home to your Queen and look at her differently. DON'T!!!!! Your SO will eventually leave you unless the odd thing of cuckold but I'm black. I could never just have sex with a woman in front of her husband. To all you granny panties dudes who think it's cool to humiliate your SO and have her just quietly sit in the room as you fuck another woman. That's some disrespectful ass shit.i don't even understand crazy chick's who allow this it just takes one wrong time for this form of disrespect and everyone life is changed probably for the worst.Remember, always protect your Queen. That's responsible hobbying.

There are trolls here who offer nothing.their lives are fucked up and they destroy everything. If you are here to have a good time you have got to recognize these trolls and stay far away from them

If you see a woman constantly posting in Coed like avoid her bro. She is a drama queen and you came here to have fun. The best providers never post anything anywhere on Coed especially and the best customers, albeit ain't my road, never really say anything on the board

I could go on. Any newcomer please inbox me for any other advice. I'll give it freely(although it cost me alot lot). Other than that this education has cost me thousands so I'll do my best to help you navigate this crazy world and spend the thousands on my best experiences Originally Posted by Pitroom

Can you be more clear on that third part?