Encounter: Late night Snack with Scarlett at K-Festival

Ghostrider's Avatar
Date: 3/28/2022
Name: Scarlett
Phone: 469-873-0078
Email Address: krn.fest@gmail.com
URL / Website: www.kfestival.net
City: Dallas
State: Texas
Address: West of I-35
Activities: BBBJ, Doggie, Mish, her legs intertwined with mine sitting Doggie. Tried Mexican Cartwheel but failed. 69
Hair Length and Color: Streaked Blonde, but she had it put up
Age: 30s
Smoking Status: I Couldn't Tell
Ethnic Background: Asian
Physical Description: maybe 5 ft 90 lbs, Nice MM's
Recommendation: Yes
aJohnDough's Avatar
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Originally Posted by aJohnDough
At least after 6 pm.
White Tiger's Avatar
I saw Scarlett Sunday and had almost the exact same experience. I’ve seen her before at one of the other studios and the first thing I noticed was a higher level of energy and genuinely friendly attitude. I was totally pleased with her and had a great time. She seemed disappointed when I left a little early and actually asked me to stay and try again. I am a one shot guy these days but appreciated her attitude.

Are they all with MM, or any natural? I much prefer natural, of any size to MM of any size. Just my preference ...
Fine review. K fest is very professional over text
White Tiger's Avatar
K fest is back
Aoi's Avatar
  • Aoi
  • 03-30-2022, 10:14 AM
Are they all with MM, or any natural? I much prefer natural, of any size to MM of any size. Just my preference ... Originally Posted by c.haymaker
Julie’s felt natural
Are they all with MM, or any natural? I much prefer natural, of any size to MM of any size. Just my preference ... Originally Posted by c.haymaker
Pretty sure Miso's are natural.
Ghostrider's Avatar
Scarlett felt damn good in my mouth. No problems with that..
veloztec's Avatar
Saw Scarlett at another agency. She was sexy and her CIM was very good
Aoi's Avatar
  • Aoi
  • 03-31-2022, 07:00 PM
Scarlet is one of the few girls who can deep throat
Good review. Actually filled with useful information. Thanks, Gr and WT. NC
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