Agency vs Independent

Austinwoohoo's Avatar
My experience… I referred a girl over to a local agency that hasn’t had new talent in years and I learned why. Cupboards were bare but they always are. Don’t be fooled by the word agency. Slangjn 1 maybe 2 girls at a time isn’t my idea of an agency, but I digress. Not only did the ‘agency’ hide the fact that they had contacted my referral and they had met but they black listed me and prevented my referral from contacting me much less meeting with me. Umm, their website reads that a referral would qualify for free sessions. Shiiiit, I sent a referral that stuck, it landed, a quality lead. Didn’t waste their time. Free session or two, three , four, fifteen, sounds reasonable. They making a mint off by lead, RIGHT. We are all adults and dealing with an industry that is different than most. We aren't pushing Avon products here. How was I thanked? I had asked how things went or if they met only to be ignored. Never did I get an acknowledgement that they met and she started 'working' for them, nothing. Instead I got blacklisted. I get it. Lose me or one client but gain 3/4 with the my referral and recommended recruit. It's a favorable money move. But it’s the intangibles. It is disrespectful and a straight bogus business practice in the wrong workspace. It won't sustain itself. No where have I seen anyone say anything good about the 'agency’. NOW, I know why. There is a treasure trove of chicks on seeking arrangement or secret benefits. And, from my experience, Independents aren't used up and thrown out like last weeks garbage as the agency ruins their talent by working just one girl at a time. Obviously, landing a lead or referral ins't something they are used to. That won't ever change so long as they keep fucking over the clients thst provide the talent. I have proof from the young lady stating that it isn't that she didn't want to see me just that she wasn't able to That’s fucking insane and super FUCKING SCARY business practice
Name the agency