cool post!!!
Fun Facts Friday: Scandalous Women
1) To cel*e*brate her 50 years in show biz, 68 year old Josephine Baker did a ret*ro*spec*tive revue at the Bobino in Paris (page 230). 2) Amelia Earhart is con*sid*ered to be the first mod*ern Amer*i*can hero*ine (page 285).
3) Lady Car*o*line Lamb wrote an anony*mous fan let*ter to Lord Byron after read*ing an 1812 ARC of Childe Harold’s Pil*grim*age. And you thought ARCs were a new thing (page 47).
4) If Joan of Arc lived today she’d prob*a*bly be diag*nosed as a schiz*o*phrenic (page 21).
5) Mata Hari means “the eye of the day” in Malay (page 112).
6) Boudica, a queen of the Iceni tribe (today con*sid*ered part of Eng*land), seized Lon*don from the con*quer*ing Roman Empire and burned it the town the ground (page 11).
7) Mary Woll*stonecraft who caused many scan*dals argu*ing for the rev*o*lu*tion*ary notion that women should have rights, was the mother of "Franken*stein" author
Mary Shelly (page 129).
8) Carry Nation forced the US Sen*ate to stop its ses*sion while being removed from the pub*lic gal*leries after shout*ing her opin*ions (page 159).
9) Gertrude Stein was named a
Com*man*der of the British Empire in 1917. Ms. Stein said “It’s rather absurd” (page 276).
10) Lady Hes*ter Stan*hope was born in Eng*land, but ended her life in Djoun, Lebanon (page 261).
Zohar — Man of la Book