Encounter: Sloppy Toppy With Lexxxxxus

User ID: N/A
Date: 4-19-22
Name: Lexxxxxus
Phone: 504-732-8411
Email Address: N/A
URL / Website: https://escortalligator.com.listcraw...leans/80064022
City: Metairie
State: Louisiana
Address: Metairie area , south of I-10
Activities: BBBj….quick convo
Hair Length and Color: Little longer than shoulder length….maybe dirty blonde …mixed…I’ve never really paid attention
Age: Late 30s? Early 40s
Smoking Status: I Couldn't Tell
Ethnic Background: White/Caucasian
Physical Description: Could be pretty decent looking on her ads….in person , meh….
Pretty face. Wears dentures now. Very chunky with a gut….nice hanging tits
Recommendation: Yes
Dentures. Wow. Ok man.
turbo-dog's Avatar
Right… dentures, chunky, gut, meh looking… I was expecting a no review. She must suck a mean ��!
albundy's Avatar
al504's Avatar
  • al504
  • 04-20-2022, 08:36 AM
Please PM me her number, I want her
Come on guys …give me a break lol
I was in a bind !!🤣🤣
Yeah. I get it. But it’s quite funny. Not something we see everyday.
Nice honest review!
Some of you would obviously fuck a snake if you held its head…
I’d a fucking walked. A bind? Masturbation works. It’s a wonder they have all these ugly fucks whoring themselves. Sucker born every minute.