Putin's Pussy Hike

tyler-d1999's Avatar
This inflation has to stop! Putin's Pussy Hike is killing me.
Huntsville area girls who used to be around $160-$200 are now $300-400. Further north in Nashville the girls who used to be $300 are now $400-$600.
I don't want to make this political, but remember under Trump we were pussy-independent. There was plenty of good, affordable pussy to go around.
This inflation has got to stop before it gets out of hand...or in hand in this case...
The answer is obvious. Just import lower cost pussy from Venezuela and Russia!
holmes50's Avatar
Rarely do I hobby here now. Most times not sure if I'm paying by the pound. This is hobby purgatory.
Rarely do I hobby here now. Most times not sure if I'm paying by the pound. This is hobby purgatory. Originally Posted by holmes50
100 percent agree
bndm's Avatar
  • bndm
  • 05-20-2022, 08:59 PM
Damn environmentalists!!!!
They protest over every measly, tiny species going extinct whenever we try to build a new pussy pipeline!!
This inflation has to stop! Putin's Pussy Hike is killing me.
Huntsville area girls who used to be around $160-$200 are now $300-400. Further north in Nashville the girls who used to be $300 are now $400-$600.
I don't want to make this political, but remember under Trump we were pussy-independent. There was plenty of good, affordable pussy to go around.
This inflation has got to stop before it gets out of hand...or in hand in this case... Originally Posted by tyler-d1999
Everything has gone up, but my hobby fund. It’s a catch 22. Cost of everything has gone up I’m spending more for less gas, groceries, ect... Paycheck stays the same, so on top of providers donations going up I got less money to hobby with
drsmooth1's Avatar
While I do agree with all the sentiments expressed above, I believe the once bountiful supply of affordable, and good looking women has made some of us lazy lol. It used to be all you needed was a phone call, a hundred bucks, and about an hour of time and boom... bliss!!

We have entered the lemon to lemonade phase gentlemen. Because of the inflation more women need help, and it's going to take a little more than a simple phone call. You'll have to smile, introduce yourself, be pleasant and friendly, offer to help, avoid being crude and before you know it you'll have a pipeline of utrs.

The pro vs the con; Affordability, you won't have to wait in line or be ghosted, she'll more than likely be eager to satisfy you, and be grateful. She may not have a meeting place and might have to be creative. She may not always be available when YOU want. While eager to please she may not have the high level of skill you seek.

Damn! That reminds me of another expression; Pick your poison.