CNN ass kissing the nut again...Americans need to realize the economy is "TOO GOOD" right now!!

This is a HUGE crock of These fucker are leftwing elitist who live in a privileged bubble and don't give a rats ass about ALL the average American suffering from there bankrupt ideology...they are some sorry mother fuckers!!

CNN: Americans Need to Realize the Economy Is 'Too Good' Right … › blogs › nb › nicholas...
In the next hour’s Inside Politics, host John King was speaking to Kai Ryssdal, the host of Public Radio’s Marketplace, who sincerely thought the economy was “a little too good” right now. “You don't want to see 390,000 new jobs. Because that increases wage pressure, wage pressure …

CNN: Americans Need to Realize the Economy Is 'Too Good' Right … › videos › cnn-americans-need...
Well, according to CNN’s propaganda on Friday’s editions of At This Hour and Inside Politics, the problem was you just don’t understand that the economy is just “too good” right now. And ...

CNN: Americans Need to Realize the Economy Is 'Too Good' Right … › news › 2022 › 06 › 03 › cnn...
Well, according to CNN’s propaganda on Friday’s editions of At This Hour and Inside Politics, the problem was you just don’t understand that the economy is just “too good” right now. And as a result, President Biden’s poll numbers are in the toilet. What spurred this round of gaslighting …

CNN: Americans Need to Realize the Economy Is 'Too Good' Right … › topic › propaganda › cnn...

Nicholas Fondacaro on Twitter: ".@CNN's spin machine on the … › NickFondacaro › status › 1532838564857368581
@CNN 's spin machine on the Biden economy: Americans need to realize the economy is 'too good' right now.
CNN: Americans Need to Realize the Economy Is 'Too Good' …
VitaMan's Avatar
You feel a need to post the same news items many times in your Biden bashing threads.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
He’s a frustrated Trumpist.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
You feel a need to post the same news items many times in your Biden bashing threads. Originally Posted by VitaMan

you feel the need to post the same news items many times in your TDS threads

He’s a frustrated Trumpist. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

you are a frustrated Socialist.

have some milk and cookies and go to bed old man. don't shat in it.
VitaMan's Avatar
2,603 identical posts by this poster.

This poster also thinks it is okay to make up fake quotes that other members never said, and post them as if they were real.

Just keeping it real as to who is doing what.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
2,603 identical posts by this poster.

This poster also thinks it is okay to make up fake quotes that other members never said, and post them as if they were real.

Just keeping it real as to who is doing what. Originally Posted by VitaMan

if you say so
VitaMan's Avatar
He gives up again

Can't handle the truth
And if it were a Republican president the stories would be about how the economy is a disaster.
pittlicker's Avatar
The truth and political rhetoric is never compatible from either side.
the state and direction of anything, including the economy, especially the economy, heads in the direction of where the majority of people think its headed

Right Direction or Wrong Track
25% Say U.S. Heading in Right Direction
Monday, May 30, 2022

Twenty-five percent (25%) of Likely U.S. Voters think the country is heading in the right direction, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey for the week ending May 26, 2022.

This week’s finding is up one point from a week ago.

The national telephone survey of 2,500 Likely Voters was conducted by Rasmussen Reports from May 22-26, 2022. The margin of sampling error for the survey is +/- 2 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence. Field work for all Rasmussen Reports surveys is conducted by Pulse Opinion Research, LLC. See methodology.

Per Fox

President Biden returned fire in a sarcastic spat with billionaire Elon Musk on Friday.

During his televised press conference on the state of the U.S. economy, Biden was asked his thoughts on Musk’s pessimistic assessment of where things were headed. Biden dismissed Musk, wishing him "luck on his trip to the moon."

The feud generated a buzz among media figures on Twitter.

On Thursday, news broke that the Tesla CEO had emailed company executives that he wants to cut 10% of the electric car company's jobs and put in place a hiring freeze due to his fears about the state of the economy.
Biden was asked about Musk’s "super bad feeling" at his press conference and fired back with a few comments about how other major car companies making electric vehicles are investing in the economy.

"Well, let me tell you, while Elon Musk is talking about that, Ford is increasing their investment overwhelmingly. I think Ford is increasing investment in building new electric vehicles, 6,000 new employees, union employees, I might add, in the Midwest," he stated, adding that "The former Chrysler Corporation, Stellantis, they are also making similar investments in electric vehicles. Intel is adding 20,000 new jobs, making computer chips."

The president also made a dismissive quip to the world’s richest man, seeming to mock Musk's business endeavors in space exploration. "So, you know, lots of luck on his trip to the Moon. I mean, I don’t — I mean, you know..." Biden concluded on the subject, trailing off.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You still LOST.