What do we want? - Stuck on Stupid laws. When do we want them? - NOW!

Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
I think most States need to pass a Stuck on Stupid law given the recent reactions to the Supreme Court's recent rulings on abortion. Stuck on Stupid laws would be something akin to doubling the fines for protesting, unlawfully especially, for something that is already legal and the law of the State you are protesting in. Actually, it should also be it's own fine as well.

Here is a short list of places that should be first out the shoot:
  • Illinois
  • California
  • New York
  • New Jersey
  • Washington
  • Oregon
  • Washington DC
All have abortion on the State or District rosters. None have a Trigger law that kicks in to ban abortion if the Supreme Court takes away the Federal rule. The first 5 listed have a limit up to the third trimester (22-24 weeks), while the last two have no limits to term, aka infanticide. None of them have a residency requirement. Washington DC could be an exception, whereby it should only apply to residents of DC and not tourists visiting since it is the Nation's Capitol at this point in time.

You have to be pretty much Stuck on Stupid to go out chanting:
What do we want? -- Something we already have!
When do we want it? -- Oh, shit, uhhmm we already have it. Duh!
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Maybe some of these abortion protesters aren't even protesters at all, but providers using the headlines to advertise their newly limited menu of services. Pretty danged savvy marketing-fu there.

North Dakota’s Sole Abortion Clinic Raises over $500K for Move After Roe Overruled

[non-age verified photo removed by OP]

Women Call for Sex Strike Against Men in Retaliation for the Overturning of Roe v. Wade

[non-age verified photo removed by OP]
Imma say nope to metal in the orifice anyway
Yssup Rider's Avatar
No pussy for you!


Not like you'd know what to do with it...

and oh yeah, dumbass, it's "chute," not "shoot." I figured all rugged cowboys would at least know that one.
texassapper's Avatar
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Nolte: Another Media Lie — Multitudes *Not* Filling Streets over ‘Roe’ Reversal

[non-age verified photo removed by OP]
But seems doable enough

Say, is that the latest iPhone with a zoom lens in the prop masters pocket?
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
May cause spontaneous ED, aka Boner Downer (BD), age verified photo included by OP.

MSNBC’s Joy Reid: Americans Being ‘Held Hostage’ by ‘Far-Right Christian Court’

In my defense, I did warn ya.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
The Archbishop brings the smack down.
EXCLUSIVE: Archbishop Vigano’s Declaration on the Decision of the Supreme Court in Dobbs vs. Jackson Women’s Health Organization

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, former Apostolic Nuncio to the United States of America, shared a message tonight and his declaration of the decision of the Supreme Court in Dobbs vs. Jackson Women’s Health Organization.

Archbishop Vigano provides a powerful message for the people of the United States and around the world.

Here are some segments from what Vigano shares:
On June 24, the Supreme Court of the United States of America, overturning the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision, healed a constitutional vulnus [wound] and at the same time restored sovereignty to the individual States after almost fifty years. The decision of the Supreme Court did not rule the “right to abortion” – as the mainstream narrative claims – but rather it has overturned its “obligatory legalization in all of the States,” returning the power to decide about the “profound moral question of abortion” to “the people and their elected representatives,” from whom Roe v. Wade had removed it, contrary to the dictates of the U.S. Constitution.

Thus the attempt to intimidate the Justices of the Supreme Court, which began with the malicious leak of the draft of the decision by members of the pro-abortion lobby, has failed, just as the rhetoric of death of the Democrat left, fueled by extremist movements and groups financed by George Soros’ Open Society, has also failed.

The globalist world, which has made the systematic violation of the human body its own ideological flag by imposing an experimental gene treatment on the population against all scientific evidence, is now tearing its garments as it claims the right of women to bodily autonomy and the right to kill the life the mother bears in her womb.
The Vatican Press Office as well as the U.S. Bishops’ Conference are reacting to this historic day with a suspicious moderation, as if it is an embarrassing duty for them. Bergoglio is silent, but he was very talkative when it came to attacking Donald Trump or supporting Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, and Democratic candidates...
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
The good news is that Nancy and Joe might get to have communion again if the abortion question goes away. Heaven knows, they need it.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
The good news is that Nancy and Joe might get to have communion again if the abortion question goes away. Heaven knows, they need it. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
Both are politicos from states where abortion will remain legal and both are carping loudly in disgust that the Federalies are no longer in control of the issue.

Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
... it's "chute," not "shoot." I figured all rugged cowboys would at least know that one. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Grammy Kitty. Eh Comrade? Well, you do know what another name for kitty is. Eh Comrade?
oilfieldace's Avatar
He does, just can’t spell it correctly
VitaMan's Avatar
7 out of the 11 posts are from the OP.

At least he has found a way to entertain himself.