Encounter: Brittney was a bummer

User ID: -
Date: Mid-June
Name: Brittney Bentley
Phone: 702-487-3449
Email Address: -
URL (Profile or Bio Page): https://tryst.link/escort/brittney-bentley
City: Vegas Strip Hotel
State: -
Address: The Strip
Appointment Type: Outcall
Activities: FIV BBBJ
Duration of Encounter: 60 minutes
Hair Length and Color: Blonde mid length
Age: 30s?
Smoking Status: I Couldn't Tell
Ethnic Background: White/Caucasian
Physical Description: Brittneys photos are very airbrushed. Breast size is accurate as listed. She is tall and skinny. Had a lot of marks and bruises on her body. This was a 'meh' experience... more in rest of story.
Recommendation: No