It's not's you!

the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Two new stories with documentation.

Biden deals with Russian traffickers for Hunter
Joe knew about Hunter's Chinese connections and was involved.

Seems that Hunter ran out of money after receiving a $100,000 from Joe for expenses and he emailed dear old dad for another $5,000 for a Russian escort who he had already paid $5,000. Don't you hate it when that happens? There is video of Hunter trying to negotiate the deal while the woman dresses. So, Joe did send the money which was given to Russian pimps. So, Joe is supporting trafficking through Hunter.

A few years ago when Joe was VP, Hunter's Chinese business partner was arrested for corruption. Hunter called Joe and asked for some intervention. The Chinese paid Hunter a million dollars and they have the communication where Joe told Hunter to not worry about the arrest. Everything was good.

This isn't about these things (though it should be), this is about you and what're thinking right now. "What about Trump..." You were supposedly outraged that Trump had Russian hookers but there was no evidence because it didn't happen. You were outraged though (ironic on a hooker board) and said that Trump was unfit somehow.
You also outraged when the charge was made against Trump Jr. that he had a meeting with a Russian lawyer. Turned out to be much ado about nothing because Don Jr. was smarter than Hunter and smelled a set up. Once again, it is about you and your reaction.

The Trump family (you just hate em) is found to be blameless but you're still accusing them of things that never happened. Now we have evidence that the Biden family is in corruption with foreign powers up to their eyeballs. Enemy foreign powers.

So, here's your chance to save yourselves. Show that outrage against Biden and come over to the light.
texassapper's Avatar
So, here's your chance to save yourselves. Show that outrage against Biden and come over to the light. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
We both know that will never happen... because the Democrats knew all along their accusations against Trump were false. They were generated for political purposes to prevent the Trump administration from derailing their globalist agenda.

Nothing was working so they went to a hail mary and pushed vote by mail and unleashed a pandemic to allow for record amounts of fraud.

Because their fellow travelers control the media any evidence or opinions that support that hypothesis are quickly squelched and suppressed.

Anything that hurt Biden had to be suppressed as well in order to drag his carcass over the finish line. Even if it was sloppy , if information is suppressed or "fact checked" they expect to prevent mass protesting.

A coup took place alright. And everyone fcuking knows it.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Nothing from the Epoch Times?

Where the fuck do you find this trash every day?