much more to come from this true American I'm sure..

Two Black Americans were elected to congress this past cycle, and both are Republican. Col. West is from southern Florida. He won in a walk.

This new Congressman was an extremely popular commander in Iraq. He was forced to retire because during an intense combat action a few of his men were captured. At the same time his men captured one of the guys who were with the Iraqis who captured his men.

Knowing that time was crucial and his interrogators were not getting anywhere with the prisoner, Col. West took matters into his own hands. He burst into the room and demanded thru an interpreter that the prisoner tell him where his men were being taken. The prisoner refused so Col. West took out his pistol and placed it into the prisoner's crotch and fired. Then the Col. told the prisoner that the next shot would not miss. So the prisoner said he would show where the American service members were being taken. The Americans were rescued. Someone filed a report on incorrect handling of prisoners. Col. West was forced to retire. Col. West was just elected in November 2010 to Congress from Florida. During the elections he was part of a panel on how to handle or how to relate to Muslims. You will see his answer here explaining in just over a minute the truth about Islam.

Please watch and if you agree, please forward it to your friends;

if you disagree, ignore it and go on your hateful way!!
oldtiger's Avatar

I think you might have parts of that mixed up with an episode of "24".....
Great post dennisrn
Rodram's Avatar
Two Black Americans were elected to congress this past cycle, and both are Republican. Col. West is from southern Florida. He won in a walk.

This new Congressman was an extremely popular commander in Iraq. He was forced to retire because during an intense combat action a few of his men were captured. At the same time his men captured one of the guys who were with the Iraqis who captured his men.

Knowing that time was crucial and his interrogators were not getting anywhere with the prisoner, Col. West took matters into his own hands. He burst into the room and demanded thru an interpreter that the prisoner tell him where his men were being taken. The prisoner refused so Col. West took out his pistol and placed it into the prisoner's crotch and fired. Then the Col. told the prisoner that the next shot would not miss. So the prisoner said he would show where the American service members were being taken. The Americans were rescued. Someone filed a report on incorrect handling of prisoners. Col. West was forced to retire. Col. West was just elected in November 2010 to Congress from Florida. During the elections he was part of a panel on how to handle or how to relate to Muslims. You will see his answer here explaining in just over a minute the truth about Islam.

Please watch and if you agree, please forward it to your friends;

if you disagree, ignore it and go on your hateful way!! Originally Posted by dennisrn
Nah dennisrn, you don't have the right to post something like this and not expect push back from somewhere, no one has that leisure. If you can't take the heat, well, you know the rest.

I'll never defend Islam, but I will defend someone's right to practice the religion of their choice and not be discriminated against.

Our military is a well-oiled, well disciplined and well trained fighting machine consisting of patriotic Americans that make great sacrifices.
This moron West is antithesis to everything the fighting forces represent and demonstrates it by circumventing the rules that this country has ordered him to abide by and failing at the mission he was tasked with.
West was no leader of men, he is nothing but a plastic hero and will never be elected because he has already demonstrated his inability to lead.
he man said please watch and if you agree forward it to your friends, if you disagree, ignore it and go on your hatefull way.hmm. pretty simple directions huh.
the man said please watch and if you agree forward it to your friends, if you disagree, ignore it and go on your hatefull way.hmm. pretty simple directions huh.
Rodram's Avatar
he man said please watch and if you agree forward it to your friends, if you disagree, ignore it and go on your hatefull way.hmm. pretty simple directions huh. Originally Posted by bdforyou
LOL! So you take directions from "the man" huh? What man is that?!? I don't take directions from anybody bd, much less dennisrn.

What cracks me up about republicans is they scream "Freedom! Freedom!" and "The Founding Fathers blah, blah, blah" at the top of their lungs, but they're the first ones to expand government and trample all over the Constitution. Hypocrites!
just a little respect rodram. a little common courtesy.
Rodram's Avatar
I respect you somewhat bd, and normally, I would challenge your definition of respect and make my case for who is overstepping here, but I'll let it go.
When it comes to politics and the seriousness of the war that is being waged on middle America by conservatism, I will not relent and I will make my case and most times I will do so vociferously.
oldtiger's Avatar
the man said please watch and if you agree forward it to your friends, if you disagree, ignore it and go on your hatefull way.hmm. pretty simple directions huh. Originally Posted by bdforyou
This is what I love about jingoistic tripe like this (regardless of source/intent). 'Repost is you agree" with the insinuation if you don't keep your opinion to yourself. As if your opinion is the ONLY one worth posting.
This is what I love about jingoistic tripe like this (regardless of source/intent). 'Repost is you agree" with the insinuation if you don't keep your opinion to yourself. As if your opinion is the ONLY one worth posting. Originally Posted by oldtiger

I could't agree more, and because of that I'll re-post it as a quote.
the operative word I used was "ignore" versus your intention relating to "re-post"....

and since we now have the "jingoistic" insinuation - I will add my personal thoughts since I am definitely a true Patriot by that definition.

After 30 years Active Duty and three SEA tours I found I always agreed with the thoughts of many of my comrades which was quite simply "kill'em all and let God sort'em out..." and if the body bags continued to "wiggle" - you didn't have it zipped-up all the way.

I would have served under a man like Colonel West anyplace and anytime.

Wonder how long it will be before people start questioning the "earlier than expected" retirement by Gen. David Petraeus. Lord knows the CIA probably didn't want him this quickly...
Rakhir's Avatar
Another historical example of fine muslim work in the recent past. In fact a certain Iraqi dictator's father and the uncle who raised him served in this unit. Later they were involved in the formation of the Baathist Party.
Too bad he missed!
Coolpops's Avatar
Maybe when Rodram gets captured by some vicous enemy he'll
change his mind.