brit griner

winn dixie's Avatar
Sentenced to 9 years in prison!

No one is above the law! She knew [or should have known] she was breaking the law! If she were an ordinary U. S. citizen I doubt we would even know this story. No way should we trade ANYONE for her release!
I agree to leave her there. Maybe she'll learn some patriotism but, some kind of exchange will be made,
winn dixie's Avatar
I agree to leave her there. Maybe she'll learn some patriotism but, some kind of exchange will be made, Originally Posted by JohnnyGleet
Russia knows are weakness... Its called wokeism
  • Mplay
  • 08-05-2022, 06:00 PM
I visited Russia on a cruise. You go through customs and they eye you with disdain . That’s what happens when you roll with black privilege and your illegal products.

They already hate your ass because your American and you give them a reason.
This thing should have watched “Locked Up Abroad,” to see what happens when you bring in illegal narcotics into a country. It’s lucky they didn’t do this in the Philippines where their President executes you for doing this
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
I believe Indonesia or maylaysia executes drug smugglers this includes foreigners.

I remember reading a story on an Australian smuggler getting executed along with some asian smugglers and mules.

there was a fair amount of controversy over this. some people get bent out of shape when another country does this.
I wonder if we can get her released then send her to play in the Phillipines.
EdBeaver's Avatar
How ironic. People on eccie talking about the rule of law.