Encounter: New Relax

smooth-tx's Avatar
Date: 7/30
Name: Mary
Address and Phone: -
Address: Main & 121
Phone: 469-731-5311
City: The Colony
State: Texas
Email Address: -
URL / Website: -
Activities: Ok massage, L1, NE
Hair Length and Color: Dark brown, long
Age: 50
Smoking Status: Non-Smoker
Ethnic Background: Chinese
Physical Description: ok shape, C with perky nips, extra in the med section
Recommendation: Yes
is it all new ladies there?
ntxguy's Avatar
is it all new ladies there? Originally Posted by cage196
It is my understanding that it's all new ladies. 😩
I think 50 is kind of old, not new, right? LOL, sorry, couldn’t pass up that one.
yes all new
big $$$ needs to be offered.
Meeker_22's Avatar
so they cleaned house and started fresh? wonder what happened.
so they cleaned house and started fresh? wonder what happened. Originally Posted by cage196
not all some part time. anyone know any change
I wrote coco and asked her if she was available and she said she was "off" but could meet me if I wanted to up there. She was never really off except saturday's so something definitely off.
Shit if Coco is leaving then I just lost another ole standby
ntxguy's Avatar
so they cleaned house and started fresh? wonder what happened. Originally Posted by cage196
Chung Tran and Ghostrider were partners and had a falling out so they sold to WEC. The new sign went up this morning and it's called Coyote Junction Paw Spa now.
vigilant17's Avatar
Which girl did he walk out with?
ntxguy's Avatar
Which girl did he walk out with? Originally Posted by vigilant17
Didn't you say it was you in a review a while back?
vigilant17's Avatar
I recall a similar conversation