Idiots, morons, and fools...

the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar probably don't know who you are.

Recently someone posted a thread about Nancy Pelosi and the January 6th RIOT. They wrote some lies, posted no facts, and attacked anyone who dared to disagree with them. I have them on ignore but some kind soul clued me in to their ridiculous screed. I posted a response a couple of days ago and I guess they're too afraid to debate. Here is the important take away from events leading up to that day.

Three days before the RIOT, President Trump brought the subject up at a meeting of top advisors. He authorized (depending on you believe) 10,000 or 20,000 National Guardsmen but it is entirely dependent on the Mayor of Washington DC Muriel Bowser. She declined

The following are indisputable facts:

On January 3rd, acting Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller was in the room when Trump broached the subject of moving 10,000 National Guardsmen to DC for the 6th. It was rebuffed by Mayor Muriel Bowser.

White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows repeated that the National Guard would be made available for security purposes. Now the left is arguing that those guards would be for pro-Trump people only which, on its face, is a ridiculous claim. There is no Trump uniform but there is a BLM and Antifa uniform and they both have a long reputation of committing violence including murder.

Chief of Staff for the Defense Department Kash Patel, recounted the meeting when Trump asked for 20,000 National Guard troops to protect the capital. The lower government has to request the Guard but Mayor Bowser would not make an official request.

Retired General Keith Kellog recounted in the meeting that Genera Milley said that he "had a plan" but failed to have National Guard troop on standby. Keith also confirms that Trump did ask for a National Guard presence dependent on permission from Mayor Bowser. Bowser declined.

If you notice, even General Milley admits that Trump ordered a Guard presence, but he interprets things based on his hatred of Trump. In other words, Milley failed to do his job but he does admit to the order.

So, that's it. Five for five of those in the room confirm that Trump authorized the Guard, but it was hateful democrat politicians who screwed the pooch.

I think it's clear now who is the fool and who is the liar.
Without directly linking the referenced thread "someone" posted, this post is about as clear as mud, let alone analyzing it's content.
Is this the new strategy?
A rehash of the same bullshit.
Just another attempt at deflection?
Please excuse me for thinking you are making things up.
It's tough to debate you when you won't tell us which thread this was under. And I say you are lying. It is not hijacking to demand you identify the supposed thread.
Tell us or be proven a liar...again.
Without directly linking the referenced thread "someone" posted, this post is about as clear as mud, let alone analyzing it's content. Originally Posted by reddog1951
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I wonder why they OP didn't respond to the original thread and chose instead to come back with this rant.

Because he "had them on ignore?"

Doesn't he know he could get into trouble for those kinds of shenanigans?

Somebody please tell the OP that. probably don't know who you are.

Recently someone posted a thread about Nancy Pelosi and the January 6th RIOT. They wrote some lies, posted no facts, and attacked anyone who dared to disagree with them. I have them on ignore but some kind soul clued me in to their ridiculous screed. I posted a response a couple of days ago and I guess they're too afraid to debate. Here is the important take away from events leading up to that day.

Three days before the RIOT, President Trump brought the subject up at a meeting of top advisors. He authorized (depending on you believe) 10,000 or 20,000 National Guardsmen but it is entirely dependent on the Mayor of Washington DC Muriel Bowser. She declined

The following are indisputable facts:

On January 3rd, acting Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller was in the room when Trump broached the subject of moving 10,000 National Guardsmen to DC for the 6th. It was rebuffed by Mayor Muriel Bowser.

White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows repeated that the National Guard would be made available for security purposes. Now the left is arguing that those guards would be for pro-Trump people only which, on its face, is a ridiculous claim. There is no Trump uniform but there is a BLM and Antifa uniform and they both have a long reputation of committing violence including murder.

Chief of Staff for the Defense Department Kash Patel, recounted the meeting when Trump asked for 20,000 National Guard troops to protect the capital. The lower government has to request the Guard but Mayor Bowser would not make an official request.

Retired General Keith Kellog recounted in the meeting that Genera Milley said that he "had a plan" but failed to have National Guard troop on standby. Keith also confirms that Trump did ask for a National Guard presence dependent on permission from Mayor Bowser. Bowser declined.

If you notice, even General Milley admits that Trump ordered a Guard presence, but he interprets things based on his hatred of Trump. In other words, Milley failed to do his job but he does admit to the order.

So, that's it. Five for five of those in the room confirm that Trump authorized the Guard, but it was hateful democrat politicians who screwed the pooch.

I think it's clear now who is the fool and who is the liar. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn

... Crikey! ... Wouldja look at that! ... Actual PROOF!

Thank you for posting this, mate. ...

#### Salty probably don't know who you are.

Recently someone posted a thread about Nancy Pelosi and the January 6th RIOT. They wrote some lies, posted no facts, and attacked anyone who dared to disagree with them. I have them on ignore but some kind soul clued me in to their ridiculous screed. I posted a response a couple of days ago and I guess they're too afraid to debate. Here is the important take away from events leading up to that day.

Three days before the RIOT, President Trump brought the subject up at a meeting of top advisors. He authorized (depending on you believe) 10,000 or 20,000 National Guardsmen but it is entirely dependent on the Mayor of Washington DC Muriel Bowser. She declined

The following are indisputable facts:

On January 3rd, acting Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller was in the room when Trump broached the subject of moving 10,000 National Guardsmen to DC for the 6th. It was rebuffed by Mayor Muriel Bowser.

White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows repeated that the National Guard would be made available for security purposes. Now the left is arguing that those guards would be for pro-Trump people only which, on its face, is a ridiculous claim. There is no Trump uniform but there is a BLM and Antifa uniform and they both have a long reputation of committing violence including murder.

Chief of Staff for the Defense Department Kash Patel, recounted the meeting when Trump asked for 20,000 National Guard troops to protect the capital. The lower government has to request the Guard but Mayor Bowser would not make an official request.

Retired General Keith Kellog recounted in the meeting that Genera Milley said that he "had a plan" but failed to have National Guard troop on standby. Keith also confirms that Trump did ask for a National Guard presence dependent on permission from Mayor Bowser. Bowser declined.

If you notice, even General Milley admits that Trump ordered a Guard presence, but he interprets things based on his hatred of Trump. In other words, Milley failed to do his job but he does admit to the order.

So, that's it. Five for five of those in the room confirm that Trump authorized the Guard, but it was hateful democrat politicians who screwed the pooch.

I think it's clear now who is the fool and who is the liar. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
thank you for you infor I will cheak
offshoredrilling's Avatar
I wonder why they OP didn't respond to the original thread and chose instead to come back with this rant.

Because he "had them on ignore?"

Doesn't he know he could get into trouble for those kinds of shenanigans?

Somebody please tell the OP that.

Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

I think he did Sir

LIE Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
see if I'm right,, hit the blue button and a few posts down and let me know if I'm right please n thank you

And if I am right, think of t as, just helping you keep up on your own thread Sir
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I think he did Sir

see if I'm right,, hit the blue button and a few posts down and let me know if I'm right please n thank you

And if I am right, think of t as, just helping you keep up on your own thread Sir Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
You’re not. probably don't know who you are.

Recently someone posted a thread about Nancy Pelosi and the January 6th RIOT. They wrote some lies, posted no facts, and attacked anyone who dared to disagree with them. I have them on ignore but some kind soul clued me in to their ridiculous screed. I posted a response a couple of days ago and I guess they're too afraid to debate. Here is the important take away from events leading up to that day.

Three days before the RIOT, President Trump brought the subject up at a meeting of top advisors. He authorized (depending on you believe) 10,000 or 20,000 National Guardsmen but it is entirely dependent on the Mayor of Washington DC Muriel Bowser. She declined

The following are indisputable facts:

On January 3rd, acting Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller was in the room when Trump broached the subject of moving 10,000 National Guardsmen to DC for the 6th. It was rebuffed by Mayor Muriel Bowser.

White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows repeated that the National Guard would be made available for security purposes. Now the left is arguing that those guards would be for pro-Trump people only which, on its face, is a ridiculous claim. There is no Trump uniform but there is a BLM and Antifa uniform and they both have a long reputation of committing violence including murder.

Chief of Staff for the Defense Department Kash Patel, recounted the meeting when Trump asked for 20,000 National Guard troops to protect the capital. The lower government has to request the Guard but Mayor Bowser would not make an official request.

Retired General Keith Kellog recounted in the meeting that Genera Milley said that he "had a plan" but failed to have National Guard troop on standby. Keith also confirms that Trump did ask for a National Guard presence dependent on permission from Mayor Bowser. Bowser declined.

If you notice, even General Milley admits that Trump ordered a Guard presence, but he interprets things based on his hatred of Trump. In other words, Milley failed to do his job but he does admit to the order.

So, that's it. Five for five of those in the room confirm that Trump authorized the Guard, but it was hateful democrat politicians who screwed the pooch.

I think it's clear now who is the fool and who is the liar. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn

So, tried to look these sources up and my results:

First reference: Pulls up the site but not a working link. I tried a search on National Guard and it pulled up nothing.

Second reference: Valid link, I didn't read the whole article, stopped at "alleges", let the courts sort out the facts.

Third reference: Returns a 404, not found web code

Fourth reference: Yep, it's a site but returns this message:
Nothing Found

Apologies, but no results were found for the requested archive. Perhaps searching will help find a related post.

So the only thing that actually is readable is the NBC article, in case curious minds want to know and not assume...
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I just did the same. None of these links support the OP's rant.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
... Crikey! ... Wouldja look at that! ... Actual PROOF!

Thank you for posting this, mate. ...

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Apparently not.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Is this the new strategy?
A rehash of the same bullshit.
Just another attempt at deflection?
Please excuse me for thinking you are making things up.
It's tough to debate you when you won't tell us which thread this was under. And I say you are lying. It is not hijacking to demand you identify the supposed thread.
Tell us or be proven a liar...again.
Originally Posted by VerySkeptical
I've never been proven the liar the first time, but we see here that you can't say the same. Unless you're completely incompetent you know what this thread came from. You'll also know that the OP of that thread is not answering the proof. I hereby tell you to accept the title of demagogue and return to your basement with your other basement bros.

Yep, basement bros. Like the sword in the stone, fools can't help but to line up and try to pull it.
... The Republican Investigation of 6th January will be
coming next spring... President Trump and Pelosi will
be the first thing they show... We'd have it already,
but "anything Nancy Pelosi" is off-limits while the
committee is still "investigating"...

... Why the silence on this? ... 'Cause Nancy won't answer
a direct question - Did Trump ask for the troops??

#### Salty
No, he did not. And no one aside from him and a couple of liars like Kash Patel claim otherwise. He could have put it in writing but as with most of his lies, there’s no actual proof.
... No doubt the Republican Investigation will SHOW
the truth... As well as some others - that me "insider" mates
are working on. ...

#### Salty