Breast Jobs

A weird thought went thru my head. Lucky for me but I've seen alot of breast jobs up close and personal. I don't get the need for enhancement but if that makes you happy go for it. I've seen some that look absolutely amazing. Probably the 2 best jobs were performed in Little Rock. What's funny is one of the worst was performed by the same doctor. Then there's some that doctor needed to be sued quite honestly. You see and hear people going to another country for medical procedures because of the cost not sure how it ends up though. So it got me thinking. I wonder about breast jobs from China, Mexico and other countries. Traveling across our border for an elective procedure got me thinking about how the end result would look like.
Mysticalbreeze's Avatar
Hopefully you come back with both kidneys too? Do they still do that black market organ harvesting thing? Lolol
asstounding's Avatar
There is a provider who has very natural looking and feeling MM. She said it was done mexico. She is of Mexican descent so am sure she has good connection. This lady got her teeth extremely jacked in turkey, had to pay 30000 in Mexico to get it fixed.Goodluck, hopefully your research was good enough.
MJewel's Avatar
I got mine for FREE working for a doc in Rogers. All his patients and reviews complain they are too big he always went too big and I begged him not too. But then woke up from surgery and couldn't see my feet !! Its on my agenda to get them redone. But the clients love them so much. My back says different lol
Y Guy58's Avatar
I can see why they love them. I would too