Speaking of political speeches

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Funny how in less than 2 days I heard THEE worst political speech I have ever heard from President Biden ( not campaigning but President Biden ) intentionally trying to set the country on fire while claiming to be a uniter. I'm surprised the old fart didn't ask "you know what we did to semi-fascists in the great war"? We shot them and the ones we didn't shoot, we hung! Come on Man!

And this is the kinda language meant to unite the country or was that just campaign bullshit never meant? What a joke and no, Trump was no better at trying to unite the country but I thought for a moment there, you Democrats wanted something different than a person who talked like Trump and Biden just caught Trump and surpassed him with that speech. Worst national address in my lifetime.

Then I listen to Tucker tonight who shared a speech he just gave in Iowa and no, I don't know why he was giving a speech in Iowa but I sure liked what he said about what Republicans running for office should be doing. While he didn't use these exact words, this is what he was "implying", "don't make your campaign about, ( as the Republican running in the special election in New York did ) how badly you want to defeat Russia and defend Ukraine", because that is not going to get you re-elected. Don't get into calling Democrats names, stay on your message, don't take the bait when they throw out "Trump", for comment. In other words, do the exact opposite of what Democrats are doing right now, attacking the other party as un-patriotic.

Stay on inflation, crime, the border and what use to be called education in this country and you have a good chance of winning not only Republican votes but those of disillusioned Democrat and Independents who are saying in poll after poll that they have had enough of this Democrat party. Why do you think it is "traditional" for the party in power to lose seats in the midterm's? Because we had a chance to see for 2 years what we could expect for the next two years and usually, we don't like what we see no matter who the party is. That should tell us something but I don't know what.

Instead, talk about what DeSantis and the Republican party did when they ( the plural "they" for those of you confused by the word ) over-turned 5 major Florida, politically Blue school boards to Red. Talk about what their priorities are, that's your fucking job even when you are non-binary, talk about what your constituents most care about and if you aren't comfortable getting up and saying those things like you believe it, switch sides.

And above all else, talk about family, talk about the families that BLM and many Democrats want to destroy with their Marxist ideology trying to make your allegiance to the State and not your family and community. OK, that was me, not Tucker.

And do not under any circumstances insist you know that the 2020 election was stolen. Drag out the same line that has worked for generations, big smile and say "I'm concentrated on what's ahead not behind". Play it right down the middle, get it off the table because there are more important matters to consider. That might not win every Republican but it will win most.

One of the best speeches I have ever heard. Nothing but encouragement to do what is best for families and for the country. Hell, I don't even have a family, never had or wanted children and this speech damn near ( not really ) converted me. It was uplifting like you would hear in a church ( I would imagine having only been in 2 my whole adult life ) but not with religious fervor.

And since your opponent is going to ask you about abortion you give your honest answer based on what you perceive the majority of your constituents, want. Then in rapid fire, you ask them about the border which I see is now polling at a 26% approval rate, so just because the main stream media is not on the border everyday like Fox news is, the people know. Then crime, the two things Democrats have no reasonable explanation for their current actions.

Then "are you for castrating ( chemical or otherwise ) and mastectomies for children"? But then Democrats should be prepared for that one but probably won't be. Remember our new SC Justice who couldn't define the word woman?

Damn fine speech Tucker! Not sure how much of all that fits into the way I might play it but I think it is very good advice for the Republicans running in Nov.

How in the Sam Hell did we ever get to this place.