Elections have consequences. A vote for Democrats is literally a vote for nuclear war.

berryberry's Avatar
Elections have consequences. We are now seeing the consequence of electing a weak feckless dementia addled Senile Biden and a band of extremist libtards in DC

berryberry's Avatar
When the media ran Senile Biden's 2020 campaign covering up his dementia and crimes, they promised:

1. not just the removal of the peacetime prosperity president they loathed
2. but to replace him with what they claimed would be competent adult leadership.

What they've done instead is put the country into a recession and stumble us to the brink of nuclear "Armageddon."
eyecu2's Avatar
Just more gaslighting- The country who is flexing about nuclear war is RUSSIA. Why the fuck do you make this a POTUS issue? Last time I checked- Biden did predict that Russia would invade Ukraine- and he was right. The reasons he did have NEVER been fully explained or vetted. Apparently the best guess is he was pissed that Ukraine left and wanted to re-annex them and the population for the betterment of Mother Russia. Not acknowledging the threat of Russia being insane would be a dereliction of duties.


Making this about about who's in office- Trump or Biden- would be just conjecture- The same could be asserted that the COVID pandemic was because Trump was weak, and so far- that crisis has cost more to AMERICA than Russia Craziness. (which I am certain it wouldn't have mattered who was in office then, nor now, about crazy fuckers in Russia or Virus' that happen.)

You posting this type of horseshit is beyond even what they are running on FOX. -Perhaps the parkinson riddled Mark Levin spouted some drivel like this; but nobody is suggesting that Putin went nuclear nuts cause of Biden. Holy shit balls man.
berryberry's Avatar
When you corruptly place in office a weak feckless dementia addled Senile Biden, this is what you get

Putin doesn't respect or fear him
China doesn't respect or fear him
North Korea doesn't respect or fear him

The proof is in the pudding - Senile Biden himself just admitted we are closer to Nuclear Armageddon under HIS watch than anytime since 1962. If you don't think that is on Senile Biden you are hopeless
berryberry's Avatar
Just so we are all clear, Senile Biden has effectively admitted that his policies are leading us toward global nuclear Armageddon. Seems like a really good reason to vote Republican in November.
eyecu2's Avatar
So we're all to believe, that Putin decided he would invade Ukraine to make a point about Joe Biden being a weak president?

Yeah ok. That kind of rationalization is why the GOP cannot pass a single legislative accomplishment when they had all three branches of power.

Interestingly which policy specifically would you say that pushed Putin over the edge? Lol
berryberry's Avatar
So we're all to believe, that Putin decided he would invade Ukraine to make a point about Joe Biden being a weak president? Originally Posted by eyecu2
And where did anyone say that?

How about Putin decided he would invade Ukraine because he knew Senile Biden is a weak, feckless idiot who would not stop him.

And now Senile Biden has effectively admitted to the world that his policies are leading us toward global nuclear Armageddon. Or was that just Senile Biden being his senile self and spouting nonsense while shitting himself again?