Of course its a lie, doesn't mean I don't enjoy a little stroking. Whether they were managed, independent, professional or otherwise... they all do it. It makes me wonder if there is some Finishing School for Whores to teach these tricks of the trade and how they should be administered (married clients may not appreciate extra communication)?
I'm sure most here (client and provider,alike) are going to say, "I don't care...I just want to get my nut and move on", but I'm curious what you've encountered, if it matters in repeat business, etc.
I've seen tons of girls and like I said, they ALL do it in some form or fashion, even after some of them having psychotic breakdowns during a session

I've had a few that just how they conduct themselves and communicate afterwards really made an indelibly warm memory of the encounter. I've seen VIP Desire (Monet) a few times, never more frequent than 6 months a part, and each time she always gleefully follows up, gushing with praise and thanks. Really thats just good business from a small business owner to create a personal touch. Any other perspectives?