Doug Mastriano

berryberry's Avatar
His Candidate Statement today in the Trib sums up this honest man who has been unfairly attacked by the little asshole Shapiro and the media. Read it and learn more about this humble man:

I never wanted to be a politician. I grew up in a middle-class family, and my dad served in the Navy. All I ever wanted to do was serve my country as a soldier. I served in the U.S. Army for 30 years before retiring as a colonel. After my time in the Army, I grew disillusioned with the direction of our country. I feared that I’d be passing on to my son a version of America that was less free and less prosperous. I decided to do something about it and run for office.

As Republican state senator in 2020, I was a lone voice fighting back against the covid mandates and lockdowns. I stood with business owners who lost their livelihoods because their businesses were deemed “non-essential” by Gov. Tom Wolf.

I’ve dedicated my life to fighting for freedom, defending our families and serving the people of this great commonwealth.

As governor, I’ll fight the effects of inflation by reducing your taxes and putting more money in your pocket. I’ll slash the gas tax and save you money at the pump. I’ll lower your monthly utility prices by unleashing the potential of our energy industry here in Pennsylvania.

I’ll be the governor who finally signs legislation that eliminates unfair property taxes for all homeowners.

When it comes to education, parents will be empowered to send their kids to schools that fit their unique needs. We’ll expand transparency requirements at all schools so parents can see what their children are learning.

I’ll fight the rise in violent crime by fully funding our police and keeping violent criminals behind bars.

Our commonwealth is in desperate need of new and bold leadership. The status quo has had predictable results. Our sons and daughters continue to move to other parts of the country for better opportunities. We must stop this exodus.

Career politicians from both parties have neglected to provide adequate leadership. It’s time for a change. I would be honored to serve as your governor.

To learn more about my platform and my plan, please go to
rmg_35's Avatar
There can't be a bigger right-wing conspiracy theory asshole than Doug Mastriano. He is going to get destroyed on Tuesday.

State Sen. Doug Mastriano, the Republican candidate for governor, is a right-wing extremist and conspiracy theorist. He is against all abortions, with no exceptions for rape, incest or the life of the mother. He is also against a ban on assault weapons, and he wants to slash funding for public school districts.

Mastriano embraced Donald Trump’s lie of a stolen 2020 election. He attended the “Stop the Steal” rally on Jan. 6, 2021, and has continued to accuse Democrats of fraud. Looking to 2024, he says he supports the view that state legislatures can assign electoral votes against the will of the voting public. […]

When Mastriano engaged in the insurrection that threatened our democracy and put countless lives at risk, he violated the oath that he made to defend and protect the Constitution. The 14th Amendment states that this disqualifies a person from holding public office.

Mastriano said that as governor he could decertify every voting machine in the state with the stroke of a pen. Democracy will definitely be on the ballot in November.

Doug Mastriano and his Republican cohorts wasted $3.4 million of taxpayer dollars trying to invalidate (with no evidence) the ballots of 6.8 million Pennsylvania voters.

They are trying to overthrow our constitution and our government.

To sum it up:

Denounces Jewish faith
Confederate uniform
Election denier with zero proof of fraud
January 6th domestic terrorist
Ban all Abortions
Ban gay marriage
Desertification of elections
Denying climate change
Push back against covid restrictions
Doesn't have the backing of the Republican governor association

The Republicans could not have pick a worse candidate, but that's what happens when extremism takes over.
berryberry's Avatar
There can't be a bigger right-wing conspiracy theory asshole than Doug Mastriano. He is going to get destroyed on Tuesday.
Originally Posted by rmg_35
The fact that you are so against him, and resorted to posting a string of outrageous lies, proves that Mastriano is the right candidate for the job.

Shapiro and his cronies don't have anything positive to run on so all they do is spread bullshit lies about Mastriano

He may not win as he has been at a huge funding disadvantage allowing Little Asshole Shapiro to spread lies about Mastriano endlessly on TV, but I will vote for honest and honorable Doug Mastriano all day over a dishonest Shapiro
rmg_35's Avatar
Nothing I stated is a lie. Tell me exactly what I stated that is a lie.
berryberry's Avatar
He is against all abortions, with no exceptions for rape, incest or the life of the mother.

Verdict - Lacks context. I do believe that is his personal belief as he is devoutly pro-life. But he has also made it clear he does not get to decide abortion policy alone. Any decision would have to be a consensus of the state house, senate and the governor to become law. I may not agree with Mastriano's stance here but it is less extreme than brain damaged Fetterman's and little asshole Shapiro who want to permit abortion all 9 months up to when the baby is born (i.e. Fetterman and Shapiro want to murder babies)

He is also against a ban on assault weapons.

Verdict - lacks context - because you know, there is this thing called the 2nd Amendment. A state Governor can not ban assault weapons if he tried. So all you are saying is he supports and respects the US Constitution and the second amendment like every American should

He wants to slash funding for public school districts.

Verdict - FALSE

Doug Mastriano believes every Pennsylvania child is entitled to a top-notch education and that, when schools compete, it promotes excellence. While he'll make sure public schools are well-funded, he'll also fight like hell to provide them the competition that will make them great. Mastriano will work with the legislature to finally bring school choice to Pennsylvania families, so that no child is trapped in a failing school ever again.

Mastriano embraced Donald Trump’s lie of a stolen 2020 election. He attended the “Stop the Steal” rally on Jan. 6, 2021, and has continued to accuse Democrats of fraud.

Verdict - Lacks context - The 2020 election was stolen as lots of evidence of voter fraud have been found. Citizens are permitted to voice their opinions on elections and peacefully attend rallies (Hell Democrat politicians have embraced lies about stolen elections for ages, including in 2016 when Trump beat Clinton and earlier when Bush beat Gore)

Looking to 2024, he says he supports the view that state legislatures can assign electoral votes against the will of the voting public.

Verdict - FALSE

To keep our elections free and fair, Mastriano will appoint a Secretary of State who will secure our elections from fraud. He'll partner with the legislature to eliminate "no-excuse" mail-in voting, get rid of drop boxes, and pass universal voter ID.

When Mastriano engaged in the insurrection that threatened our democracy and put countless lives at risk, he violated the oath that he made to defend and protect the Constitution.

Verdict - FALSE

There was NO insurrection and Mastriano put zero lives at risk nor did he violate any oath. A citizen of this country is allowed to peacefully attend a rally

Mastriano said that as governor he could decertify every voting machine in the state with the stroke of a pen.

Verdict - lacks context. All PA governor's have the responsibility to appoint the Secretary of State who certifies voting machines before an election

Democracy will definitely be on the ballot in November.

Verdict - FALSE - the act of voting is Democracy in action. There is no "Democracy" question on the ballot
eyecu2's Avatar
There can't be a bigger right-wing conspiracy theory asshole than Doug Mastriano. He is going to get destroyed on Tuesday.

State Sen. Doug Mastriano, the Republican candidate for governor, is a right-wing extremist and conspiracy theorist. He is against all abortions, with no exceptions for rape, incest or the life of the mother. He is also against a ban on assault weapons, and he wants to slash funding for public school districts.

Mastriano embraced Donald Trump’s lie of a stolen 2020 election. He attended the “Stop the Steal” rally on Jan. 6, 2021, and has continued to accuse Democrats of fraud. Looking to 2024, he says he supports the view that state legislatures can assign electoral votes against the will of the voting public. […]

When Mastriano engaged in the insurrection that threatened our democracy and put countless lives at risk, he violated the oath that he made to defend and protect the Constitution. The 14th Amendment states that this disqualifies a person from holding public office.

Mastriano said that as governor he could decertify every voting machine in the state with the stroke of a pen. Democracy will definitely be on the ballot in November.

Doug Mastriano and his Republican cohorts wasted $3.4 million of taxpayer dollars trying to invalidate (with no evidence) the ballots of 6.8 million Pennsylvania voters.

They are trying to overthrow our constitution and our government.

To sum it up:

Denounces Jewish faith
Confederate uniform
Election denier with zero proof of fraud
January 6th domestic terrorist
Ban all Abortions
Ban gay marriage
Desertification of elections
Denying climate change
Push back against covid restrictions
Doesn't have the backing of the Republican governor association

The Republicans could not have pick a worse candidate, but that's what happens when extremism takes over. Originally Posted by rmg_35
He may be a fine neighbor in an All white neighborhood, but he would be the pariah, persona non gratis in the majority of Pittsburgh neighborhoods. His message of segregation and hate for those that are not like him, and his zest for wanting to deny people's rights to vote and accept those votes as true, make him ineligible to be elected. I'm sure his little conclave of white supremacist out on the eastern part of PA, he's their idea of a stand-up guy. At his gun club he's probably the guy who wears a grand dragon robe while sighting in his AR-15 on silhouettes that are akin to brown people. But that's just my guess.
rmg_35's Avatar
He is against all abortions, with no exceptions for rape, incest or the life of the mother.

Verdict - Lacks context. I do believe that is his personal belief as he is devoutly pro-life. But he has also made it clear he does not get to decide abortion policy alone. Any decision would have to be a consensus of the state house, senate and the governor to become law. I may not agree with Mastriano's stance here but it is less extreme than brain damaged Fetterman's and little asshole Shapiro who want to permit abortion all 9 months up to when the baby is born (i.e. Fetterman and Shapiro want to murder babies)

He is also against a ban on assault weapons.

Verdict - lacks context - because you know, there is this thing called the 2nd Amendment. A state Governor can not ban assault weapons if he tried. So all you are saying is he supports and respects the US Constitution and the second amendment like every American should

He wants to slash funding for public school districts.

Verdict - FALSE

Doug Mastriano believes every Pennsylvania child is entitled to a top-notch education and that, when schools compete, it promotes excellence. While he'll make sure public schools are well-funded, he'll also fight like hell to provide them the competition that will make them great. Mastriano will work with the legislature to finally bring school choice to Pennsylvania families, so that no child is trapped in a failing school ever again.

Mastriano embraced Donald Trump’s lie of a stolen 2020 election. He attended the “Stop the Steal” rally on Jan. 6, 2021, and has continued to accuse Democrats of fraud.

Verdict - Lacks context - The 2020 election was stolen as lots of evidence of voter fraud have been found. Citizens are permitted to voice their opinions on elections and peacefully attend rallies (Hell Democrat politicians have embraced lies about stolen elections for ages, including in 2016 when Trump beat Clinton and earlier when Bush beat Gore)

Looking to 2024, he says he supports the view that state legislatures can assign electoral votes against the will of the voting public.

Verdict - FALSE

To keep our elections free and fair, Mastriano will appoint a Secretary of State who will secure our elections from fraud. He'll partner with the legislature to eliminate "no-excuse" mail-in voting, get rid of drop boxes, and pass universal voter ID.

When Mastriano engaged in the insurrection that threatened our democracy and put countless lives at risk, he violated the oath that he made to defend and protect the Constitution.

Verdict - FALSE

There was NO insurrection and Mastriano put zero lives at risk nor did he violate any oath. A citizen of this country is allowed to peacefully attend a rally

Mastriano said that as governor he could decertify every voting machine in the state with the stroke of a pen.

Verdict - lacks context. All PA governor's have the responsibility to appoint the Secretary of State who certifies voting machines before an election

Democracy will definitely be on the ballot in November.

Verdict - FALSE - the act of voting is Democracy in action. There is no "Democracy" question on the ballot Originally Posted by berryberry
Every thing you posted above, EVERY SINGLE THING IS NOT TRUE. It's all lies and misinformation. It's all radical right-wing conspiracy theories.

He is directly quoted on his stance on abortion, gun control, funding public education. Your saying it lacks context is ridiculous.

DEMOCRACY IS 100% ON THE BALLOT WITH THE CHOICES THAT ARE MADE! Mastriano is quoted as saying that he can decertify any and all voting machines as governor and declare the winner. THIS IS A DIRECT THREAT TO DEMOCRACY. IT CERMONVENTS THE WILL OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE.

We had a free and fair election in 2020. tRump lost. The ejection wasn't stolen. There is ZERO...ZERO proof of election fraud. NONE. OVER 60 LAWSUITS FAILED TO PROVE ELECTION FRAUD. But asshole tRump and asshole mastriano still keep pushing this conspiracy theory that the election was stolen.

Mastriano organized bus loads of people to attend the fake stop the steal rally on January 6 and it definitely put lives at risks. The violent mob that stormed the Capitol put lives at risk. Over 150 police officers were injured. Over 900 idiots have been arrested because of the LIES FROM TRUMP WHICH MASTRIANO keeps supporting. THAT IS AN ENORMOUS THREAT TO OUR DEMOCRACY AND WHY DEMOCRACY IS ON THE BALLOT TOMORROW.
HDGristle's Avatar
There's proof of various types of election fraud and it cuts as badly for Republicans who committed fraud as it does for Dems.

Certain folks assertions and theories and allegations are assertions, theories and allegations. The total amount of verifiable fraud isn't significant.

Saying it isn't significant doesn't mean they weren't illegal, or concerning or unimportant. It means when you put them into context they weren't material. And again, if we want to cherry pick only from one side, don't because we have documented efforts on both sides.

There was election fraud. But those exceptions to the rules don't mean that you fundamentally change the rules of voting to chase after exceptions. Because using the same slippery slope absolutist view that some employ means that eventually, your vote won't count because we'll sacrifice freedom for security to the point where true choice is lost.

As for Doug, your post would have been an excellent addition to the existing thread. I'm sorry you have so little trust that you didn't feel you could openly discuss the positive merits of this man there. He does have some merits. He's not the devil some make him out to he.

Neither is Shapiro.
berryberry's Avatar
He may be a fine neighbor in an All white neighborhood, but he would be the pariah, persona non gratis in the majority of Pittsburgh neighborhoods. His message of segregation and hate for those that are not like him, and his zest for wanting to deny people's rights to vote and accept those votes as true, make him ineligible to be elected. I'm sure his little conclave of white supremacist out on the eastern part of PA, he's their idea of a stand-up guy. At his gun club he's probably the guy who wears a grand dragon robe while sighting in his AR-15 on silhouettes that are akin to brown people. But that's just my guess. Originally Posted by eyecu2
Of course you have to lie about him too

He has no message of "segregation and hate " Nor is he a "white supremacist". Hell he served in the military for 30 years commanding a very diverse group of men and they all love him.

He does NOT want to deny people's right to vote unless you want to cheat. Every American who wants fraud free elections should want to secure our elections from fraud by eliminating "no-excuse" mail-in voting, getting rid of drop boxes, and having universal voter ID

Why do you lie so much?

Are you that insecure and scared about Mastriano possibly winning that you have to spread such bold faced lies?
berryberry's Avatar
Every thing you posted above, EVERY SINGLE THING IS NOT TRUE. It's all lies and misinformation. It's all radical right-wing conspiracy theories.
Originally Posted by rmg_35
There you go - spreading more of your lies and misinformation yet again. I provided detail points, facts and actual context and all you can do is lie, lie, lie.

It's really sad
berryberry's Avatar
Malik Obama says vote Doug Mastriano

MAGA! Vote Doug Mastriano for Governor Pennsylvania 2022
rmg_35's Avatar
There you go - spreading more of your lies and misinformation yet again. I provided detail points, facts and actual context and all you can do is lie, lie, lie.

It's really sad Originally Posted by berryberry
NOTHING I posted is a lie. What detailed information did you provide? The election lies and conspiracy theory claims of voter fraud all have been disproven by the courts. That's the biggest lie. Mastriano is a big part of the still promoting this lie.

He also has had association with gab, a far-right chamber for white nationalism and antisemitic topics with neo-nazi propaganda and torba which shares anti-jewish conspiracy theories and Christian nationalist views. The name should be changed to Nationalist Christian and then they can shorten the name to NAT-C.

The lies lies lies are coming from the election deniers. That's what is the shame!
berryberry's Avatar
NOTHING I posted is a lie. What detailed information did you provide? The election lies and conspiracy theory claims of voter fraud all have been disproven by the courts. That's the biggest lie. Mastriano is a big part of the still promoting this lie.

He also has had association with gab, a far-right chamber for white nationalism and antisemitic topics with neo-nazi propaganda and torba which shares anti-jewish conspiracy theories and Christian nationalist views. The name should be changed to Nationalist Christian and then they can shorten the name to NAT-C.

The lies lies lies are coming from the election deniers. That's what is the shame! Originally Posted by rmg_35
You continue to lie. That is all you do. You continue to ignore the detail points, facts and actual context I provided.

You do realize lots of election fraud evidence has been uncovered after the fact, when it was too late to do anything about it. You just refuse to see it. You just want to quote the court cases in the very short one month window after the election as evidence there was no fraud. That is bullshit and you know it. Some audits and investigations took 6 months or more to complete. So you lie.

As to Gab - come on - tell me EXACTLY what Mastriano's "association" with Gab is. Come on be very specific instead of continuing to lie and spread disinformation

And now for some truth about Mastriano's opponent

rmg_35's Avatar
You continue to lie. That is all you do. You continue to ignore the detail points, facts and actual context I provided.

You do realize lots of election fraud evidence has been uncovered after the fact, when it was too late to do anything about it. You just refuse to see it. You just want to quote the court cases in the very short one month window after the election as evidence there was no fraud. That is bullshit and you know it. Some audits and investigations took 6 months or more to complete. So you lie.

As to Gab - come on - tell me EXACTLY what Mastriano's "association" with Gab is. Come on be very specific instead of continuing to lie and spread disinformation

And now for some truth about Mastriano's opponent

Originally Posted by berryberry
tRump lost. There is zero evidence of massive voter fraud that would have changed the outcome of the election. Only fools continue to promote this bullshit.

As to mastriano and gab, here is one of many links:
berryberry's Avatar
tRump lost. There is zero evidence of massive voter fraud that would have changed the outcome of the election. Only fools continue to promote this bullshit.

As to mastriano and gab, here is one of many links: Originally Posted by rmg_35
Nope, only those blind to reality can't look at all the audits and other evidence to see that there was LOTS of voter fraud in the 2020 election

As to your Mastriano link, so wow the CEO of a private business focused on free speech donated a whole $500 to Doug Mastriano. And from that you craft all you absurd lies. Unreal.

Campaigns collect donations from tons of different people.
You like lying asshole Shapiro are beyond desperate with your lies and misinformation