hard to believe==> trouble is I'd lay even money he gets proposals from some ladies..


the forums have some strange bed fellows to be sure!!
Just saw that one.....you never know...But I would bet there are some Pm's in his inbox.
sanantonioman37's Avatar
I wouldn't doubt it. It does make me wonder if there is a subculture in the eccie forums for that particular interest. Its just a matter of knowing what to look for or how to read between the lines. Things that make you go hmmmm.......
Marcus78's Avatar
Reminds me of our neighborhood troll Humpty Dumpty who was obsessed with the idea. Like you said though, I am sure there are more than a few ladies would would (sadly) jump at the opportunity for some extra pay for some VERY dangerous play.
flinde's Avatar
"It does make me wonder if there is a subculture in the eccie forums for that particular interest."

There are likely subcultures for every interest you can think of.
  • PCVA
  • 09-08-2011, 02:37 PM
...if you care to look, you can find just about anything....this isn't the smartest ISO I've ever seen, but it's not necessarily the strangest either....
I specially love how he starts a thread, has an unpopular request, and doesn't reply again.