Encounter: Cindy Green light

Date: 11/27/22
Name: Cindy
Phone: N/A
Email Address: greenlightscreening@gmail.com
URL / Website: https://www.green-light1.net/
City: DFW
State: Texas
Address: Farmers Branch
Activities: bbj, bbfs, dfk, shower
Hair Length and Color: long black with curls
Age: 35-40?
Smoking Status: I Couldn't Tell
Ethnic Background: Asian
Physical Description: Not like the pictures, she looks like a milf. She has a bit of a mommy tummy or gut. Like her body doesn't look fit. Pretty face for her age I guess. I'm not trying to bash her but for what was advertised this was left field.
Recommendation: No
Big b.o.b.1's Avatar
Wow, Deus _Soul said she has a nice body. I guess we now know who NOT to believe in their reviews.

Sorry for your experience, it’s happened to me before and it really sucks.
I think the gut point you make is fair, she could be average, but it was really noticeable when she mounted.
pervsrus29's Avatar
Thanks for the review SF
icebane's Avatar
So I should keep my appointment with ally and not switch??
@Icebane I do have high standards not going to lie.
Big b.o.b.1's Avatar
@Icebane I do have high standards not going to lie. Originally Posted by SpringFest
Thanks for the honest review , some promoters tried to hype her.
ishling's Avatar
Lots of folks don't care if a girl is overweight. I still think it's weird to not call them fat when they are. In my experience, the term 'average' means overweight.
I guess its different for everyone. I think fat would be stomach is bulging and is very obvious, standing or sitting. I didnt see that with Cindy. Maybe when she was in CG/ACG I can see what SpringFest meant but I would not consider her fat.. but thats my opinion.