Prostitution is technically in Japan but they have a narrow definition of that. Blowjobs are perfectly legal. They have pink saloons where it looks like a bar and you pay about roughly $30 for a blowjob. The ladies aren’t great lookers obviously. Soap Lands sound like cool places. But gaijin aren’t welcome at many. A lot of place where the girl is cuter, showers you, gives you a massage and a blowjob too.
He may have had luck going somewhere with a Nigerian tout but I would urge you to not do it. If anyone approaches you on the street (especially an African) and wants you to go, don’t do it. You’re far more likely to get drugged and robbed. Or worse.
Originally Posted by himzert
Just like here, they get around it by calling what they do a "massage," though even Chinese women (not just Nigerian men) will approach you in Japan (if you're a foreigner) and ask if you want a massagee (they say it like that there too lol). I've actually went to a couple places the Nigerian guys wanted to take me just to check them out. I had a couple good sex experiences that way, but I had no interest in going to their "titty bars" because I knew what kind of stories happen there. Plus even if you didn't get drugged, it's still way overpriced for a titty bar. Actually I had another decent experience with one of the Chinese women, well not her, but if you decline their "massagee," they'll ask if you want sex instead, so I told her the kind of girl I wanted and she called around a few places and eventually the girl came and met us and I decided to go through with it with that girl. Usually you can't see the girl in person before you decide, so that was pretty uncommon. They usually show you pictures and you choose the girl, then she comes to you, but there's no guarantee that you're actually getting that girl.
I never did check out a soapland (though I wanted to) because they are pretty expensive, and as you said, few actually cater to foreigners. I had also heard of "pink salons," but I didn't know anything other than the name or where to find any. It seems like you generally pay for time and not so much the service, so if you just wanted a BJ, then a "pink salon" might be your best option. But if you want a cute, young girl, chances are you can find it pretty easily in Kabukicho.