wichita falls tx

How many eccie clients do we have in wf or close by. Hoping we could get together and invite some dallas fw ladies to come over for dinner or drinks
Horn^I^Dog's Avatar

I've worked out of the boonies for a long time. I suggest you plan a trip to Dallas.

HID (21-HID)
Thanks but not fighting the traffic in dallas.
I have met 4 or 5 here in WF and they do the job just not favorites. Have a couple now coming over from Dallas just hoping to get more but time will tell. Miss SBC but that is 5 hours.
Good luck with that Harley. If you remember there was several of us that did a regular monthly get together in SBC a while back and they were a blast.....miss those good times.
I’m in
I’m in town every 3/4 weeks.