Why do you post in the sand box?

I was going to suggest why I feel some people post here but decided against it.
I'll go first
1) curiosity Like this post.
2) Boredom which is the main reason I even open the SANDBOX.
3) I'm an ASSHOLE I enjoy fucking with the easily fuckable people on here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UrgpZ0fUixs
What's your reason (if you have the balls to answer)
To introduce some truth into the delusional far right fantasies that are commonly posted in here. I realize that it's mostly a waste of time, because the reasonable folks already see how they are, and the delusional folks minds don't respond to reason. Also, to oppose the Wendy Bell style of ideology, which often coincides with the far right fantasies.
Good question. I generally vote Republican but the shit posted here for the most part is the same tired old Trumpy far right shit that I don’t even bother reading anymore.
So I guess my answer is to try and provide some balance but nobody has the time to balance out you know who.
Interesting that none of the heavy posters answered this question. Its impossible to know but the funny thing is I really believe a majority of what’s posted here doesn’t get read.
Maybe it’s therapeutic.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
i post ... because i can.
Good question. I generally vote Republican but the shit posted here for the most part is the same tired old Trumpy far right shit that I don’t even bother reading anymore.
So I guess my answer is to try and provide some balance but nobody has the time to balance out you know who. Originally Posted by Charley3
He's prolific! He must be retired or have a trust fund.
AmishGangster's Avatar
3. Definitely #3
Interesting that none of the heavy posters answered this question. Its impossible to know but the funny thing is I really believe a majority of what’s posted here doesn’t get read.
Maybe it’s therapeutic. Originally Posted by Charley3
It may very well be therapeutic, seeing the amount of anger in some of these posts. ( not keeping it bottled in) As for being read, there have been 179 views of this post so far and only like 6 replies.
i post ... because i can. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Waco kid, you can do a lot of things, that you don't, what motivates to post in the Pittsburgh sand box?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Waco kid, you can do a lot of things, that you don't, what motivates to post in the Pittsburgh sand box? Originally Posted by jmichael

because the site doesn't restrict a poster to certain areas. you can explore and participate anywhere that is openly available on the site. so i do.
Saying that you have the ability to do something isn't really an explanation of why you do something.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Saying that you have the ability to do something isn't really an explanation of why you do something. Originally Posted by 1pittsburgh

why does anyone have to explain why they participate on this site?
why does anyone have to explain why they participate on this site? Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
That's the topic of this thread. Literally the whole point of the thread. Why post in the thread if you're not going to answer the question? You responded to the question but you didn't answer it. Typical "MAGA zone" response. Avoid directly answering question. You learn it from your leader. We already know that any active board member can post, so it's a meaningless response. If you didn't want to answer you could have just skipped this one.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
That's the topic of this thread. Literally the whole point of the thread. Why post in the thread if you're not going to answer the question? You responded to the question but you didn't answer it. Typical "MAGA zone" response. Avoid directly answering question. You learn it from your leader. We already know that any active board member can post, so it's a meaningless response. If you didn't want to answer you could have just skipped this one. Originally Posted by 1pittsburgh

i believe i've answered the question to my satisfaction.
HDGristle's Avatar
Same for me actually, Waco. I am an asshole, but #3 isn't a good fit. Really it's because I can and I feel like it.