Racism amongst the republican constituents

As a city guy who's also been around a lot of suburban and country folk, I've been observing this phenomenon since 1989. The republican constituents on a whole are more racist than the democrats, and it's gotten worse since 2016 when most of the remaining racist democrat constituents defected due to Trump's rhetoric. Why do you think he became so popular saying the kind of stuff that he did? A big part of it was pandering to this portion of his base with statements like "Donald Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the Untied States," the racist mischaracterizations of the Mexicans coming here, telling a congresswoman to go back to where she came from (Africa), the birtherism, constantly referring to cities as shitholes, etc.

Not all of the republican constituents are racist, but even the reasonable republicans don't like to acknowledge the problem, because without that portion of their base, they'd never win. Trump recognized it and pandered to them more blatantly than we'd seen in a while. Trump made racists proud again. It's not by coincidence that David Duke said: "This is one of the most exciting nights of my life -> make no mistake about it, our people have played a HUGE role in electing Trump! #MAGA" on November 9, 2016. He was attracted by Trump's rhetoric.

If you want to talk anecdotal evidence, I have hundreds of personal examples, because white racists either think that all white folks think like them, or they just don't care, so they're often not shy about spouting their racist BS to me until I check them. Countless times I've heard phrases like "well you have black people and you have _____," or just the general use of that slur, or Italians I know using their own specific racial slurs to refer to black people. I remember kids in High School that thought it was cool to wear JER (James Earl Ray) hats. I see them on FB spewing their thinly veiled racist BS. They're republicans now.

BTW, Cult 45 is not a derogatory term for white people. It's a derogatory term for Trump's cult of ignorance.

Mods, nothing in this post of mine is in violation of rule #2 which states- "Derogatory racial remarks are simply unacceptable, period. Disrespect another's ethnic background and you will most certainly regret it."

This is a topic that is very important to me, and I've been careful not to violate any of the rules with this post. You let people spew all kinds of lies in here day after day, so if you want to sanction me, when I haven't violated the rules, I have to wonder about your motivation. If other posters cannot control themselves and feel the need to violate rule #2, that's their foul, not mine. I'm not "baiting" anyone. I'm not directly insulting any forum members. I'm trying to discuss an important topic.
chizzy's Avatar
Lol.... any post directed at devo,myself,jacuzzme or berry is a bait, you sneak around with your wording so as not to directly calling someone a racist but you let it known, you. Think anyone who supported Trump is racist. We all know it and it won't work

Carry on
Not bait, and I have not called you racist, because it's against the rules to do so. I'm discussing a topic that's important to me. Maybe you don't understand the meaning of the word portion, as in "a portion of their base." The implication there is that I don't think that everyone who supported Trump is racist. Care to comment on the topic? Why are there so many more racists amongst the republican constituents than amongst the democrat constituents?
biomed1's Avatar
Of the Highlighted Portion of the Guideline . . .
#3 - Disrespect to others, IN GENERAL, will be considered an item of low tolerance, especially when posting in our coed forums. Follow the Golden Rule and treat others as you wish to be treated yourself. This applies to fellow members as well as staff. We do not require that you have respect for us, but we do require that you treat us respectfully in the public forums. If you feel the need to vent, gripe, or blow off some steam regarding a staff member's action or decision, we ask that you keep it private. Email, RTM, or the PM system would be the appropriate avenue to take in such cases. In cases where you would like to request additional clarity about a staff decision, you are free to pursue an answer in either a public forum or private means of communication. If handled publicly, post your inquiry in a respectful manner.
OK biomed1. Here's my respectful inquiry to you in a public forum:

Dr-Epg said:

"Racial baiting is not acceptable

#2 - Derogatory racial remarks are simply unacceptable, period. Disrespect another's ethnic background and you will most certainly regret it."

There were not any violations of rule #2 in that thread, so why would he even make that remark?

Specifically what is "racial baiting," and which rule does it violate?
biomed1's Avatar
There were comments posted in the Thread that were considered to be racial baiting.

From the Cambridge English Dictionary comes the following definition of Race Baiting
The act of intentionally encouraging racism or anger about issues relating to race, often to get a political advantage.
The Comment made by Staff was directed to All Member who participated in the Thread.

As to a particular Guideline that it Violates, you'll be disappointed.

There is not a Guideline dealing specifically with Race Baiting, it falls under the General Reminder posted by the administrator
The following is not permitted on the site:

Insulting Others
Targeting other members for attacks
Harassing other members, groups of members, class of members, etc
Disrespecting other members on the site
General rudeness toward other members on the site
Staff often discuss situations such as the one you are concerned about and a decision is made and the appropriate action is taken.

You may be surprised, but some times the appropriate action for Staff is to do nothing at all.

That was not the case in the Closed Thread you have asked about.
I'm well aware that the comment was directed at everyone who had commented in the thread. As I said, NO ONE in that thread had violated rule #2, so why would he make that remark?

Racial baiting or race baiting, as it's more commonly spoken, is a pretty ambiguous phrase. It actually relates to this thread, because it's a term usually used by folks who wan't to discredit those of us who are anti racist. Many of them who use it are amongst the republican constituents. Similar who like to use "woke" and "cancel culture" as derogatory terms in an attempt to discredit those of us who are anti racist.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I'm well aware that the comment was directed at everyone who had commented in the thread. As I said, NO ONE in that thread had violated rule #2, so why would he make that remark?

Racial baiting or race baiting, as it's more commonly spoken, is a pretty ambiguous phrase. It actually relates to this thread, because it's a term usually used by folks who wan't to discredit those of us who are anti racist. Many of them who use it are amongst the republican constituents. Similar who like to use "woke" and "cancel culture" as derogatory terms in an attempt to discredit those of us who are anti racist. Originally Posted by 1pittsburgh

the problem is you are painting with a broad brush labeling an entire group as racist. that's biomed1's point. you need to let this go. it won't end well for you if you don't.
the problem is you are painting with a broad brush labeling an entire group as racist. that's biomed1's point. you need to let this go. it won't end well for you if you don't. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Why lie about me? Specifically which entire group did I label as racist? That's a straw man you put up to argue against. I specifically worded things so as not label an entire group racist, saying things like "a portion of their base," and "not all of." Why put words in bimoed1's mouth? He didn't say that I did that. It won't end well for me? That sounds like a threat. Maybe you're trying to get this discussion shut down.
biomed1's Avatar
You asked for a definition of Race Baiting, and I provided you one.

There were comments in the closed thread that could be/ were perceived as Race Bating by Members and their RTM's.

Staff issued a generic reminder addressing the Race Baiting comments and the posts with links and photos of children on an Adult board.

As to your post in particular, I am in discussions concerning the following:
Cult 45 is not a derogatory term for white people. It's a derogatory term for Trump's cult of ignorance.
It's clear from your posts that you believe that there are members of this "Cult 45" as you identify it among the membership of Eccie.

One could also believe that you believe that some of those members are active in the Pittsburgh Forums.

If this is correct, then there is a problem here.

The portion of your post where you clarify that "Cult 45" is a derogatory comment.

This puts you at odds with the Guidelines.

  • Targeting other members for attacks
  • Harassing other members, groups of members, class of members, etc
  • Disrespecting other members on the site
  • General rudeness toward other members on the site
Staff will inform you of our decision.
For gods sake, I hope the mods don’t ban another liberal. While I disagree with much of what 1Pittsburgh says, he is not spewing any more derogatory crap the the far right posters. They just hit the Report button more.

As for this topic, I’ll just say I would not hesitate to hire a Mexican, Asian, Muslim , etc but I will not hire an AA man becasue I’m afraid they’ll try to ruin my business if I worded things incorrectly. That article you posted about the signs at a football stadium is a perfect example of what I’m referring to.
I've never specifically said that any member was in Cult 45. It's a general statement about Trump's cult of ignorance. If you're going to sanction me for that, there are members posting in this Pittsburgh Sandbox who should have been banned every week.

You've got members in this forum specifically insulting other forum members every single day, yet they're still here. I don't do that.
biomed1's Avatar
A point to remember about the Members of Staff, or at least me - I am apolitical.

The Guidelines are the determining factor in when a Staff Member takes any actions.

It doesn't matter what political Party you claim

It doesn't matter if you are Liberal, Conservative, Libertarian or Undecided

It doesn't matter what color your skin is.

It doesn't matter what religion you chose or claim.

It doesn't matter if you served in the Military or Not.

It doesn't matter if you are Male, Female, or Transitioning.

It doesn't matter what your sexuality is.

What does matter is did your post violate one or more of the Guidelines?

If the answer is yes, then you can expect Staff action will follow.
For gods sake, I hope the mods don’t ban another liberal. While I disagree with much of what 1Pittsburgh says, he is not spewing any more derogatory crap the the far right posters. They just hit the Report button more.

As for this topic, I’ll just say I would not hesitate to hire a Mexican, Asian, Muslim , etc but I will not hire an AA man becasue I’m afraid they’ll try to ruin my business if I worded things incorrectly. That article you posted about the signs at a football stadium is a perfect example of what I’m referring to. Originally Posted by Charley3
Well, thanks for defending me. There are certain posters who have me beat by a long shot when it comes to making derogatory statements about political groups. If that's against the rules, I can think of three Pittsburgh posters who should have been banned many times over.

As for discrimination on the basis of race, we reached a consensus over 50 years ago that it's immoral and illegal to not hire someone because of their race. As for the article, you admittedly didn't read the whole article, and specifically the part where in addition to the signs, which I admit left a little wiggle room, players were also using blatant racial slurs. Just like the Nascar driver who was caught dropping racial slurs while playing online video games, and Tucker Carlson's top writer who was caught being explicitly racist online.
You asked for a definition of Race Baiting, and I provided you one.

There were comments in the closed thread that could be/ were perceived as Race Bating by Members and their RTM's.

Staff issued a generic reminder addressing the Race Baiting comments and the posts with links and photos of children on an Adult board.

As to your post in particular, I am in discussions concerning the following:It's clear from your posts that you believe that there are members of this "Cult 45" as you identify it among the membership of Eccie.

One could also believe that you believe that some of those members are active in the Pittsburgh Forums.

If this is correct, then there is a problem here.

The portion of your post where you clarify that "Cult 45" is a derogatory comment.

This puts you at odds with the Guidelines.

  • Targeting other members for attacks
  • Harassing other members, groups of members, class of members, etc
  • Disrespecting other members on the site
  • General rudeness toward other members on the site
Staff will inform you of our decision. Originally Posted by biomed1
Cult 45 is a derogatory comment but libtard isn’t? Can somebody explain that one?