As a city guy who's also been around a lot of suburban and country folk, I've been observing this phenomenon since 1989. The republican constituents on a whole are more racist than the democrats, and it's gotten worse since 2016 when most of the remaining racist democrat constituents defected due to Trump's rhetoric. Why do you think he became so popular saying the kind of stuff that he did? A big part of it was pandering to this portion of his base with statements like "Donald Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the Untied States," the racist mischaracterizations of the Mexicans coming here, telling a congresswoman to go back to where she came from (Africa), the birtherism, constantly referring to cities as shitholes, etc.
Not all of the republican constituents are racist, but even the reasonable republicans don't like to acknowledge the problem, because without that portion of their base, they'd never win. Trump recognized it and pandered to them more blatantly than we'd seen in a while. Trump made racists proud again. It's not by coincidence that David Duke said: "This is one of the most exciting nights of my life -> make no mistake about it, our people have played a HUGE role in electing Trump! #MAGA" on November 9, 2016. He was attracted by Trump's rhetoric.
If you want to talk anecdotal evidence, I have hundreds of personal examples, because white racists either think that all white folks think like them, or they just don't care, so they're often not shy about spouting their racist BS to me until I check them. Countless times I've heard phrases like "well you have black people and you have _____," or just the general use of that slur, or Italians I know using their own specific racial slurs to refer to black people. I remember kids in High School that thought it was cool to wear JER (James Earl Ray) hats. I see them on FB spewing their thinly veiled racist BS. They're republicans now.
BTW, Cult 45 is not a derogatory term for white people. It's a derogatory term for Trump's cult of ignorance.
Mods, nothing in this post of mine is in violation of rule #2 which states- "Derogatory racial remarks are simply unacceptable, period. Disrespect another's ethnic background and you will most certainly regret it."
This is a topic that is very important to me, and I've been careful not to violate any of the rules with this post. You let people spew all kinds of lies in here day after day, so if you want to sanction me, when I haven't violated the rules, I have to wonder about your motivation. If other posters cannot control themselves and feel the need to violate rule #2, that's their foul, not mine. I'm not "baiting" anyone. I'm not directly insulting any forum members. I'm trying to discuss an important topic.