Since, management will not discuss why other have gotten points. I'm posting this thread for you to post why you got points (infractions). if you want other to know
I'm not sure, when you get banned, if you can message someone, but if you get banned, I be glad to post why if you can message me.
Originally Posted by jmichael
once someone gets banned the ability to use the private messaging subsystem is blocked. however if you registered an email address, which is optional, someone who is banned can be contacted via email. a non-banned poster looking to contact someone who is banned also needs to register an email address for that to work. note that between a non-banned and banned user it's a one way street. only the non-banned user can email a banned poster for obvious reasons, you need access to the site to do it. between two non-banned posters who have both registered an email, either can email the other at will. the email system will warn you that the recipient will know your email address once you send it.
i've contacted/stayed in touch with several banned posters simply because they had a registered email account to use to email them.