
Looking for 2 ladies for a threesome for my birthday at the end of the year. Everyone must participate with everyone
CuddlyForest's Avatar
You need to go to Dallas/Austin my man. Finding that here is doubtful.
Elite agency can handle that
DownForWhatever's Avatar
If you've got a wad a cash and can make it to Austin...gotcha covered.
Elite agency can handle that Originally Posted by WhiskeyElite
Interesting indeed, i may also explore this. Although i don't have to wait for a birthday
Vero214's Avatar
I’m down if we can find another pretty lady to play with!
I’m down if we can find another pretty lady to play with! Originally Posted by Vero214
Oooo, that would be a dream come true with you involved��������
jughead1171's Avatar
Did you have your threesome? If so do play and tell