I had posted on the co-ed. It got removed bt the mods. Said it looked to much like a ad. My bad. Live and learn.
Originally Posted by Hopetolearn2
Didn't seem like an ad to me. The mods can be a bit over the top on occasion. I got a 30 day ban when I had to make a new account because I accidentally logged into an old account I hadn't used in ages when I set the new one up. Claimed I was trying to use multiple accounts. I logged into it once accidentally and then into the correct account. The other account hadn't been used in ages and I didn't log back into it again after that one time. The best part is we talked back and forth about it for 2 days and they didn't ban me until after I posted my first encounter after starting the new account and approving it. Then banned me for a month so my premium access was almost over by the time they would let me back in.
I could almost understand it if I had had issues on the old account and created a new one trying to get around a ban. That was completely not the case though. Never once had an issue with that account. I stopped using it because it had a user name I used on other sites and following their own advice I created another one with a different username and stopped using that one.