Tucker Carlson’s basement is full of Rubles
Yes, because you're skeptical of or would like an audit of the BILLIONS of US Taxpayer dollars going to Ukraine, you love Putin. Got it. Oh yes, and all that Russian collusion....lol
Of all the radical right-wing fake-ass news reporters on faux, Fucker Carlson by far is the worst. The Maga base loves being lied to and commie Carlson is the biggest lier their is on the false news media circuit.
Sadly, money given to new regimes is often abused and the basis of corruption even in established countries. It seems likely that much of the Ukraine monies could be part of that. I do recall RUSSIA being our prime opponent in the prior world affairs, but now China has been re-cast as the villain in the last year of politics. And much of this is from the finger pointing on the right, about covid, and AI bots, tik tok and any conspiracy that ties them together.
The problem with Tucker Carlson and the rest of the folks that support this ultra conservative right wing narrative, is theyre absolutely fucking nuts.
They've never met a conspiracy they didn't like.
People like Tucker and the thankfully dead Rush Limbaugh do a ton of damage to this country by throwing tanker loads of fuel on the fires of hate. It's not by coincidence that Tucker's top writer was caught being explicitly racist online when he thought he was anonymous using a screen name.
pretty sure not one of you rage whining about Tucker Carlson and his so-called "fires of hate" have never actually watched one minute of his shows and are going on the real bastions of hate, the far left radical news sources like CNN, the HuffyPooPoo, the NY Times, VOX and the like who rage whine daily about Tucker Carlson exposing their hateful divisive rhetoric.
all while their ratings tank like the Titanic due to their toxic hate propaganda.
by the way, FOX News has been number one on cable for twenty years running, long before Carlson or Trump.
for twenty years, has FOX News been the bastion of hate speech or simply the exposer of the far left's actual hate speech?
inquiring posters want to know!
I listen to Tuckie, and Hannity regularly enough to see what the latest diatribes of bullshit they are feeding viewers. They are indeed mere opinion spewers of inflammation, hate and lies. I literally wait to see how long any conversation takes to be negative about Biden or ANY democrat cept for those descending from the pack, and then relating to the good old days of the orange baboon.
Top lies include:
The Proven Russia Hoax
Energy Independence
Ray Epps
Strength of Trump Leadèrship
Voting scandals
Vaccine lies
Fauci connection to it all.
These MAGA conspiracy generators are a bigger threat to this country than any single person and have gone off the rails trying to sensationalize politics and demonize an entire party. About as un-american as can be. All the while trying to tie politics and religion together in some weird "that's the reason this country is bad now" kind of allegations. Fuck - EVERY single person on FAUX news has written a book and has yet another strong opinion about exactly at least one item above. And they would love to sell it to you in a hardback copy.
Uh..no fucking thank you.
Fuck FOX and every one of their shows. Even FOX business is about politics. Maria Bartiromo who I once respected, turned into a raging magat. Stuart Varney is one also....literally poisoning people with their fucking hustle against democrats.
And further, what's funny is how voting Americans didn't buy their books or bullshit in 2020, or 2022, and they won't in 2024 either.